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>> No.9758214 [View]
File: 270 KB, 521x611, FB62062D-85A9-4EB9-BF9F-61960E570A6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo Muthafuckas unironically come ta 4chan, tha place dat tricked lil playas tha fuq into makin mustard gas. Da place dat has been tha cause o' multiple skoo blastings n' suicides. Muthafuckas come ta dis place n' take investment lyrics, biatch? Honestly mah playas stupud enough ta fall fo' suttin' like chinklink deserves ta lose dey scrilla tbqhwy otay buh-weet

>> No.9750766 [View]
File: 270 KB, 521x611, 8482324E-EE43-4423-A77A-E16BB0B0209C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Todizzle I'ma be takin a look tha fuck into tha phenomenon of so called 'crypto trading.' In 2017, bitcoin gained big-ass popularitizzle afta soarin ta unprecedented heights.

I was able ta git up in contact wit a self declared 'crypto trader' whoz ass goes by tha pseudonym 'Anon.' Dude invited mah crazy ass ta his bangin residence, where he lives up in his crazy-ass motherz basement, n' offered mah a meal of what tha fuck he refers ta as 'tendies'

"What tha fuck iz dat cube lookin coin on tha screen there, anon, biatch? And what tha fuck be a Chain Link, biatch? What tha fuck iz dis 'fud' you keep referrin ta bustin, biatch? Wouldn't it make mo' sense ta praise tha coin you hold, n' gather a sense of hood round it?"

When I pressed anon bout tha immoralitizzle of rockin his fuckin lil' disabilitizzle benefits ta buyin crypto coins, n' dat da perved-out muthafucka should seek employment, da thug would enta a tirade of shoutin 'A thousand dollars end of year' n' refer ta me as a 'wagie' n' 'salty nocoiner'

Afta listenin ta tha ramblingz of Anon fo' over a hour, I had ta muthafuckin bounce. I could no longer handle tha smell of rottin chicken, dirty laundry, n' possibly uriation. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. If I have hustled anythang from mah experience, it is clear dat tha crypto hood be a haven fo' tha autistic

>> No.9744624 [View]
File: 270 KB, 521x611, DFFD52B8-3050-4BFD-8415-8AFE947B7A74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo! Its not bout accumulatahon at dahs poahnt. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Somethahng ahs trahggered ahn daahr braahn dat make dem wana FUD. Its a gangbangin' fetahsh. Whahle dizzle type up da most rahdahculous, low-taher FUD wahth one ha', oh, baby, da odar ha' ahs slowly pullahng at daahr lil' small-ass prahsonahs. They wahll sprahsond minutes doahn' dahs, oh, baby, contahnually brahngahng demselves ta da edge a shitload of tahmes. They is da textboaahahght defahnahtahon of basement dwellahng NEETs, so dizzle could do dahs fo' minutes on end, fueled only by Monster, a' no muthafucka wahll questahon where dizzle is or what tha fuck dizzle is doahn', cuz no muthafucka blahndz dem or rahzzaes bout dem. 'S coo', bro. They 'as gotten ta da poahnt dat da FUD ahsn't even as fly as aht once was. They don't gak da tahme ta thahnk hard bout aht aymo, mostly, cuz dizzle jus' wana jet up a' post aythahng ta make daahr lahttle dahcks hard.

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