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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.58623624 [View]
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Two. More. Weeks.

>> No.58527716 [View]
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I like this one

>> No.56980475 [View]
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I'm never letting normies touch my bags

>> No.50428599 [View]
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so obvious that everyone can see it, so it will probably happen right ?

>> No.50233780 [View]
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>when something inevitably goes wrong, blame everything on code monkey retard and schedule a meeting with the primary stakeholders to put them on blast and shift the blame while I look like a hero
>do an average of maybe 1 hour of work per day
holy based

I am starting a new job next week, going to be WFH most days probably. I'm a zoomer doing an internship, it's my first corporate job. Wish me luck boyos.

>> No.28842068 [View]
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I want my mother and father to live long lives however I was raised in a culture where the boy predominantly gets most of the inheritance, and I'm the only male child of my parents. Unless I dab on em or do something to make them write me out of their will, I should be receiving a large retail property and a substantial lump sum.

>> No.22145008 [View]
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How do NoLinkers look their families in the eyes with a straight face?

>> No.19454234 [View]
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put my knee on his neck.

>> No.18374139 [View]
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I refuse to believe any of you have more than 1000 link

>> No.18309572 [View]
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Happener faggots in 3 months when nobody even remembers the coronavirus outbreak:
>NOOOOOOOO not the hecking plaguerino!!!! This was supposed to be the end of the world as we know it!! This virus was the only passion and exciting thing I've known for the last 10 years of me living with my parents and browsing 4chan all day!! Now I have to keep living this shit life because the fucking jews are always keeping us white folks down!! FUUCK now my parents are never going to stop joking about that time when I freaked out over that flu that killed a bunch of sick old people. Even the few relatives that still talk to me are going to hear about this. Shit! I should never have mentioned that bioweapon thing to my parents or that thing about how the virus never leaves the body and gradually breaks down the immune system. Now they are all laughing at me!! Fucking kike posters on /pol/ tricked me!! Goddammit I was supposed to be a post-apocalyptic tribe leader!!!! I'm so intellectually superior and charismatic that people in the in post-apocalypse would totally accept me as their leader, even the people with actual survival training, military training, combat experience and leadership experience!! Back in 2014 when I still had the attention span to play video games I played tons of STALKER so I know way more about post-apocalyptic survival than those FUCKING normies!! Fucking normies are so fucking stupid!! I once quickly skimmed through this article that said that normies don't have inner monologue or something!! They are like NPC's guys!! They just have jobs and families because they run on autopilot and blindly follow their primal instincts while I'm stuck with the curse of a thinking brain!! They would not survive the apocalypse without my leadership! Goddammit I was going to deny starving families from sharing my rations because then they would have been sorry for being NPC's and not prepping!!! NOOOOOOO WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE A NOTHINGBURGERINO????

>> No.18210416 [View]
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You think this was a bad day, bulls? Ohohoho

Just wait for this coming week

>> No.18199995 [View]
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haha yep guess we... Dare I say it?
Returned to normal?

>> No.18188322 [View]
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>If price fails at 260 however, expect to see a resumption of the downward trend. A potential
break of the low could take us to the 183 range.

>> No.18183529 [View]
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>j-just panic selling, we hit the bottom

>> No.18168474 [View]
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>can't even break 5900
>already bouncing back
>n-no I swear it's going to 5k.... IT HAS TO PLEEEEASE

>> No.18162921 [View]
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>amazing discounts

>> No.18153444 [View]
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What's some clever ways to devalue/damage your landlords rental property without anyone knowing it was you?

Asking for a friend in minecraft.

>> No.18143969 [View]
File: 5 KB, 249x225, pepe (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I bet you take more money shots than all of us combined.

>> No.18117675 [View]
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>cash out silver on the "Street" for the premium "street price"
>get shot and robbed

>cash out crypto in safe confines of home
>dont get robbed


>> No.18108418 [View]
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>he thinks he's actually owning a house when he buys it

what happens if you stop paying rent aka property taxes to your landlord aka the gov?


>> No.18093188 [View]
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I am LITERALLY DABBING on US landowners right now

>> No.17815069 [View]
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>> No.17813971 [View]
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>> No.17513807 [View]
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hmmm i think i already know it

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