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>> No.24339406 [View]
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>fanatics of all types can't help but out themselves when asked about how they would use power.
Kek sounds like me. I (white) was educating my non-white coworkers (one singh and one indian) on why would the mexicans/niggers vote for trump if the media claimed that trump is a racist? Why there are islam (read david motadel book), turkey, and african (niggers) regiments in the nazi troops, like why did they believe hitler? Also, why jews were kicked from 109 countries throughout documented history?

They asked me what I would do if I become the potus, I answered "kick the jews and anyone who agrees with them" and surprisingly they accept my thought with clear understanding. They are startig to request more nigger violence videos, and jews relation to the degenerate industries which I get from pol webm threads, but I only share them thru whatsapp's status because i dont want them to download and show to the others as they dont have enough redpills yet.

I think my job is only to redpill the others for now, to get them to fight for us. Hitler's approach was the same too, write mein kampf, distribute, educate and others want to fight for him.

Sorry if this is cringe. Tell me if I should stop. Sadly my white coworkers are afraid or cautious when I am around cause I might spout racist shit.

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