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>> No.54532537 [View]
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excuse me, excuse me, i have something to say!

the world is controlled by the rockefellers/rothchilds through the central banks which they own, they derive power and control by owning the printing press. the governments borrow money from the central banks (a third party) and promise to pay back with interest, so they tax the populace to shit enslaving humanity into a life of debt based servitude and misery.

the rockefellers/rothchilds are moloch worshipping, adrenochrome guzzling, child torturing sabbatean frankists who jerk off to the misery they create through the financial system.

ukraine and covid are last ditch attempts for them to remain in control by mass money laundering as their system is on the verge of collapse, along with it their power and control as the world has had enough of them printing and debasing the currency out of thin air to steal real tangible assets while repressing the people.

many governments have been infiltrated and push ridiculous agendas to divide and torture the people.. biden, trudeux, macron, they're all part of it and will be gone along with the current financial system. that's why gamestop hasn't mooned, we're fighting the rockfellers/rothchilds, the elite rulers of the world... when it does, they're done, it's the dawn of a new age for humanity... the satanic shackles will be off... by end of july imo.

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