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>> No.20237643 [View]
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What happened to CRUZ?

>> No.18810946 [View]
File: 167 KB, 1280x778, 1587731203775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All new, cleanly coded light-weight client, same supply/halving rate as bitcoin. Has some conspiracy theories surrounding its anonymous developer. Look it up.

The fact that it has a <100K market cap is super bewildering, and it's probably the surest speculative 20-50x in the space right now. Beyond that, who knows.

Project: https://github.com/cruzbit/cruzbit



>> No.18792042 [View]
File: 167 KB, 1280x778, 1588110602093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.18739989 [View]
File: 167 KB, 1280x778, 1583151486369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't about GRIN, but unironically a re-birth of an uncorrupted Bitcoin.

>> No.18658704 [View]
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Cruzbit, is a new, cleanly coded light-weight client, very much like Bitcoin. And it has conspiracy theories due to the developer clearly being pre-2017 BTC (Wei Dai?). The fact that it's an $50,000 market cap is super bewildering, and it's probably the surest speculative 20-50x in the space right now. Beyond that, who knows.

Project: https://github.com/cruzbit/cruzbit



>> No.18333684 [View]
File: 167 KB, 1280x778, 1583029416054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cleanly coded, light-weight bitcoin implementation, but without the corruption.

"There is a fair amount of complexity to the canonical bitcoin implementation that didn't strike me as strictly necessary. It makes understanding and working with the protocol difficult. I had some time recently, so I finally decided to implement what I thought was the simplest version of bitcoin that could exist. cruzbit is what I ended up with.

Project: https://github.com/cruzbit/cruzbit

In addition to simplicity, I wanted everything I used to be standard. I wanted an average developer to be able to run cruzbit and immediately start working with the protocol and talking to their client."

>> No.17694293 [View]
File: 167 KB, 1280x778, Cruz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally, a break-out. hope you've been paying attention to these threads -> >>17680259

this should never have fallen so low.

back to 1,500 sats, which is only a fucking $750K marketcap to begin with.

this is the last great 1,000x in crypto.

>> No.17591287 [View]
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Cruzbit could very well give you 2010 BTC esque gains, depending on how it goes. Currently an $80k cap.


>> No.17532839 [View]
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It's growing fast.

Now market-buy the big Cruzbit walls so we can go 20x.


>> No.17512803 [View]
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Imagine believe Cruzbit isn't Wei Dai.

q-trade is adding many new coins. guess which one is by far the lowest cap / most interesting?

the last 1,000x in crypto.

>> No.17379196 [View]
File: 167 KB, 1280x778, Cruz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who here smart money, and thinking 2 years out?

i really should have grabbed the rest of the 250 sat range, but congrats to whoever took that hit.


>> No.17368336 [View]
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say goodbye to 200 sats forever.

>> No.17361898 [View]
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Daily reminder that a 1,000x is right in front of you if you have the patience to hold for 1-2 years.

>> No.17343316 [View]
File: 167 KB, 1280x778, Cruz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that a 1,000x is staring you in the face within 2 years. You're fucking up huge if you don't own a 21K suicide stack, which is currently very cheap and available without massive spread.

If you're really worried about it, mine it. This is BTC under $1. Screencap this.


>> No.17343292 [DELETED]  [View]
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Daily reminder that a 1,000x is staring you in the face within 10 years and you're fucking up huge if you don't own a 21K suicide stack (currently very cheap and available without massive spread).


>> No.17324883 [View]
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if you aren't grabbing a 21K make it stack of CRUZ you are fucking yourself over big time for 2022. mine it, buy it. whatever, but these levels will be long gone by spring.


>> No.17305024 [View]
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a new uptrend starts after we break these foolish 300 sat walls. remember, all FUD on cruzbit is meaningless, as this anonymous and clearly pre-2016 is not a moonboi. he will deliver. even if he doesn't, this is an easy 50x off spec alone.

don't fuck up. mine, market or bid.


>> No.17287850 [View]
File: 167 KB, 1280x778, Cruz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen up, newfags, because i'll be here all year until we're at the first 100x.

Price : 0.00000145 = $0.015 cents

Supply mined : 2,492,241 CRUZ

= $35K marketcap.

Cruzbit FUD reached a peak with some rage-bro idiot going nuts and staying up 18 hours a day shitting up threads, all because a dude "called" it in a biz telegram group at 200 sats. This is on a $35,000 marketcap project that is just getting its feet wet in the space.

THIS IS MEANT TO SHAKE YOU OUT. It's all a mind-game desu. Let's look at some facts :

1.) Anonymous developer who is clearly pre-2016 BTC, knows what he's doing, and isn't a moonboi. He may or may not be Wei Dai. Do you know who that is? Of course he would say he's not him. That's exactly what someone who got found out would through autist breadcrumbs would say. Despite "abandoned" FUD, it's still being coded, and the dev is talking about adding privacy layers.

2.) This could be the fresh start to a corrupted BTC we need, but don't deserve. Let's face it, Bitcoin is massively corrupted by big money, and whales. If this even remotely takes off, a 100x is a given, and 1,000x+ could very well be easy from these levels.

3.) Q-Trade will continue to grow. With the addition of Pegnet pairs, it's gotten even more of the purely nerdy speculatory side of things on their camp. Twitter is beginning to take notice (for instance, Lomah Crypto, who is a good trader). What do you think Q-Trade whales will eventually go for and suck the supply of?

CRUZBIT is the most massively undervalued low-cap in the space, and has yet to even have its first parabola. That first movement in November 2019, it was still at a $250K market cap. If you bought 50K right now and merely 5x'd, at full inflation, you'd still be looking at under a $3M total market cap.

Mine it. Buy it. Just know that soon, all sub 2,000 sat entries will be priced out. It may not be today. It may not be this quarter, but it will happen.


>> No.17270014 [View]
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due to only a 21m supply and only 2m mined, sellers will soon be exhausted and this will pop back up to 600 sats before a new ATH next quarter. spec miners will absolutely return for a new cycle. this is a $25,000 marketcap, with an old school anon dev who knows what he's doing and is clearly pre - 2016 BTC.

do not let the last cycles deter you, and do not listen to baseless FUD. look at the facts. you are doing yourself a big disservice not buying at least, a 21K bag of this.

>> No.17260790 [View]
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Cruzbit bros, we are going to make it. The anon dev knows what he's doing, and is clearly pre 2016 BTC. If you don't understand this, you aren't meant to make it.

Psycho fag crying about a PND has is obviously new. Refute this. Don't fall for it. This has never mooned. If you're so worried about it, the mine it.

Spec miners will absolutely return. The time for entries is now.

>> No.17236213 [View]
File: 167 KB, 1280x778, Cruz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sellers will soon be exhausted and this will pop back up to 600 sats before a new ATH next quarter. spec miners will absolutely return for a new cycle. this is a $25,000 marketcap, with an old school anon dev who knows what he's doing.

do not let the last cycles deter you, and do not listen to baseless FUD. look at the facts. you are doing yourself a big disservice not buying at least, a 21K bag of this.

>> No.17236163 [DELETED]  [View]
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sellers will soon be exhausted and this will pop back up to 600 cents before a new ATH next quarter. you are doing yourself a big disservice not buying at least, a 21K bag of this.

>> No.17217703 [View]
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This project gets a bad wrap, and I'm not even sure why, as it's just market cycles doing market cycle things, and people seem to buy at the wrong time and then complains....BUT -

Let's look at the facts:

Cruzbit is a simplified, decentralized, peer-to-peer ledger implementation. Cruzbit is very much like Bitcoin, but with most of the confusing, and extraneous implementation details removed.

1.) It's a $25K market-cap on Q-trade...which let's face it, we all know will continue to grow.

2.) Anon dev who may or may not be Wei Dai, but definitely knows what he's doing. Sure, he jokes about it and says he's not, but wouldn't that be exactly what you would do if your secret identity was found out through autist bread-crumbs?

3.) Nerds LOVE spec mining. Of course a new group of fresh geeks is going to take to this.

4.) The developer cares not for FOMO and moon-boi shit. This is bullish, and it reminds me of Chainlink.has stated he wants to code in a privacy layer. This is bullish.

5.) People are going to build atop this. Sure, it's light now, but aren't they all? Nerds always flock to interesting what-if's, and the code is sound. That's a fact.

All I'm saying is, if you want a spec buy, I can't even think of a lower market cap project out there that is this fundamentally based. Mine it if you're worried about it, but in reality, if this guy, whoever he is, continues to code, it WILL moon.

Best case scenario, this is a fresh start for a corrupt Bitcoin, and we're all going to be fucking rich as balls if we simply hold 2-3 years.

>> No.17217683 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 167 KB, 1280x778, Cruz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This project gets a bad wrap, and I'm not even sure why, as it's just market cycles doing market cycle things, and people seem to buy at the wrong time and then complains....BUT -

Let's look at the facts:

Cruzbit is a simplified, decentralized, peer-to-peer ledger implementation. Cruzbit is very much like Bitcoin, but with most of the confusing, and extraneous implementation details removed.

1.) It's a $25K market-cap on Q-trade...which let's face it, we all know will continue to grow.

2.) Anon dev who may or may not be Wei Dai, but definitely knows what he's doing. Sure, he jokes about it and says he's not, but wouldn't that be exactly what you would do if your secret identity was found out through autist bread-crumbs?

3.) Nerds LOVE spec mining. Of course a new group of fresh geeks is going to take to this.

4.) The developer cares not for FOMO and moon-boi shit. This is bullish, and it reminds me of Chainlink.has stated he wants to code in a privacy layer. This is bullish.

5.) People are going to build atop this. Sure, it's light now, but aren't they all? Nerds always flock to interesting what-if's, and the code is sound. That's a fact.

All I'm saying is, if you want a spec buy, I can't even think of a lower market cap project out there that is this fundamentally based. Mine it if you're worried about it, but in reality, if this guy, whoever he is, continues to code, it WILL moon.

Best case scenario, this is a fresh start for a corrupt Bitcoin, and we're all going to be fucking rich as balls if we simply hold 2-3 years.

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