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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.14906481 [View]
File: 245 KB, 699x499, compound.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hypothetically, say you are a 26-year-old male in North America, working at a high-stress, high-pay (but unfulfilling) job. If you came across an unexpected windfall of $300,000 USD, would you:

A) Pretend nothing happened, keep working at the high pay/stress job and just let the money grow by adding to it. Maybe retire a few years earlier than normal, but no change to lifestyle.

B) NEET it up. Move to a LCOL place and just live off the interest (around $12,000 USD a year with a safe withdrawal weight of 4%). Pursue low cost hobbies/interests/entrepreneurship/sports/volunteering whatever.

C) Do a combination of A) and B). Take a part time barista-esque job for 10-15 hours a week that is low-stress to pay some of the bills, letting the windfall compound over time.

Thoughts /biz/? What would you do?

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