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>> No.51266746 [View]
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sergey is a scammer
for anons out there here is the kefirpill only use milk if you have a good source and know the ((tricks)) otherwise you should use water with sugar or even better coconut.
common "milk" tricks: hol((stein)) cow aka the nigger/pitbull of cows see pic, pasteurization*, uht, non-stop-pregnant cow to give more milk and tons of estrogen to (you)

*Louis Pasteur the french guy who made this shit told before dying that it is crap and he does not want it to be used this way but researched more and improve his technique instead also a few ((scientists)) came after claiming his discovery as theirs but its kind of hard to hide the truth when its literally on his name
fun fact:
Ernst Lederle the [J]ew York City Health Commissioner made raw milk illegal as a small pox immunization program and fighting a typhoid fever epidemic so you may not find it on a regular supermarket.. after that he made his own lab and start selling medicine, sounds familiar eh.

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