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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.57621504 [View]
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Come on bobo, aren't you tired of the same old spiel?

>> No.57403620 [View]
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Could have just put it in some high-divvie insanely stable REIT and lived off the divvies. Or broad market index funds for ez 30%/y yields. Just what the hell goes through the mind of these people? Greed I suppose
I'm 29 and this is horrible. Still no kids so I am still free to live my rather nomadic life but bloody hell is it moving quickly. It almost feels like the past 10 years of my life didn't exist. Must be nice to be oblivious to the tide of time

>> No.57320210 [View]
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>tfw only have one pic saved of poem anon and it has already been posted
This is it. This is how /smg/ dies. I've go the archives and can't find any more pics.
And what is happening to oil? Dumping on middle east news or because of China?

>> No.56969699 [View]
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Imagine the liquidations that occurred today. Holy fuck.

>> No.56967696 [View]
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Jerome Is In The Building Edition

>Educational sites:

>Financial TV Streams:




>Pre-Market and Live data:


>Boomer Investing 101:


Previous: >>56966519

>> No.56900246 [View]
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There really is no point in buying anything but big tech, is there.
Also, what really grinds my gears
>Oil gigafalls
>XOM falls a bit
>Oil recovers a bit, +0.5%, the day after
>XOM completely recovers the dump
Nice, just fugg my shid up. Oil would literally have to go through its final support and then dump back to the low 40s for XOM to fall below 90

>> No.56871682 [View]
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I am a europoor though, bro. Novo Nordisk carrying my shittier portfolio. Doesn't matter if you are an american or a europoor, there's no shame in saying that the ECB is inept and that the European countries have handled inflation and rates far worse than the US

>> No.56865471 [View]
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Should have bought when it was at 1600 last year. That's what any reasonable man did.
I mean they are utterly flush with cash and delivered insane profits due to the higher oil prices but I imagine the profits will go down next year as oil keeps cratering. I still imagine oil will remain strong as demand ought to return next year.
Still, oil is a difficult thing to predict and OPEC is less than reliable. Brazil and other are gonna produce more and more. We shall see.

>> No.56743252 [View]
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Damn it's actually incredible how well large caps (and above) have performed up until Q4 2023. Rates are at 5%+ and they continue to deliver better and better earnings. Almost as if they benefitted from high interest rates and inflationary price gouges or something...
The market is in such a good mood now that even such a bad guidance will be slurped immediately.

>> No.56724540 [View]
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>2.9% inflation from a 12% inflation
>There, you see guys? We beat the inflation
I fuckin detest these bureaucrats with all my... everything

>> No.56605288 [View]
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I haven't been able to sleep un-interrupted for what feels like years since I always have to pee. Wake up, do something to get rid of the massive wood, pee, go back and try to sleep only to realize you are now wide awake and can't fall asleep. Feels good man
Also, just as I said, oil would throw a small oversold rally. I'm selling now. No way I am holding commodities now.

>> No.56539801 [View]
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>huge amount in savings
Is that really true? Damn, if that's the case, good for them.
Still, that is the wrong way to get ahead financially speaking. In the modern economy, everything is built around consuming. The country with the most consume lifestyle wins and grows the most.
Japan needs to get on with the times and stop being so conservative.

>> No.56482697 [View]
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>$3 a gallon
Last time I refilled it cost me more than $8/gallon :). Yey living in Scandinavia. I went to a restaurant last month (was kind of forced to) and it cost 23 bucks PER PIZZA. And the normies around me were more than happy to throw their money into that pit of fire. There is a reason why it's called greedflation. It's because everyone is greedy. Everyone has too much money. Most money in circulation (at least here) was created during 2005-present and 25% was created during Covid. The big money got even bigger and even normies got some of the cake.
There is a reason I bought last year as it dumped. Consuumerism ain't gonna stop, earnings are insane, and we have a stagnating inflation which means companies are free to price gouge and normies won't particularly care unless this situation drags out for another two-three years

>> No.56404813 [View]
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SVIX bros they hate us cuz they anus

>> No.56354996 [View]
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Goddammit do your job jannies. Why do they like bigbeniz trannies so much?

Kind of weird that that both bonds and DXY are down while other currencies are up. Higher than expected inflation forcing ECB to hike further?
Gold is massively up and so is silver. Copper on the other hand remains lazy as ever. The war probably forcing investors to seek shelter in gold/silver.
Oil is still going up and up despite the US restoring massive amounts in their reserves. I don't know when it comes to oil. That market seems even more jewed than copper

>> No.56331527 [View]
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I'm a retard who hasn't really bought any stocks for a long time now since stocks have completely blown up. I bought fuckin pre-Covid and I find it really difficult to buy now when stocks are +100-200%.
The only thing I have and will probably buy is index funds containing the big mega caps since they carry the market and will continue to do so. Their exposure to the high rates is minimal and as we can see by their earnings, they even thrive in this environment (I'm looking at you AMZN, META, and NVDA)
Texas Instruments seems pretty cheap right now though...

Also, bears are probably fueling this rally

>> No.56283594 [View]
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What a schizo market. Up, down, up. Probably a dead bounce in a down-trend (except for NASDAQ which remains bullish). Oil not even managing to hold on to 90... yeah I'm thinking bullish. What is even more pathetic than oil is copper though... Shitty commodity

>> No.56209243 [View]
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Oh I am fully expecting the S&P to go down all the way to 4200. In fact I hope it does so I can buy even more.
I like heavy bags. Farmer's walk is one of the best exercises there is after all. Your forearms get such insane pump from it. Load 50kg on each arm and start walking

>> No.56198492 [View]
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Leave my mumi out of this, you sick fugg. This is more than financial advice btw, you'd better watch it

>> No.56189400 [View]
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4600 is definitely not unrealistic. The magic of Christmas can do wonders for the markets. Assuming oil doesn't go above 100 but instead keeps hovering around 90, the markets could easily move to 4600.
We could have had cheap oil if the US had an energy policy... just wtf??? Ensure cheap and steady oil/energy and you have easy fuckin votes. How can the US be that incompetent? I can understand us europoors being retards but come on

>> No.56168214 [View]
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Adjusted for inflation, oil is still kinda low. And since oil probably will stay around 90, the comparison effect will yield a low inflationary rate in the next few months (since nothing has changed).
Heh, the producer prices will suffer which will embolden the CPI. But come on m8, tis the season and people are eager to spend their hard earned cash, rr-r-r--right?

>> No.56158685 [View]
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Fuckin finally a drop. Goddamn I dropped the ball on this one completely. My mum bought it at 300 and has been enjoying her stable gainz while I've been seething.
Broadcom is very underrated but also flying kinda low under the radar, especially here. Great stock

>> No.56087689 [View]
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Jesus christ... fucken hell. Anyway, I wouldn't dare to short right now. The market is on the verge of either yet another bull run or a slightly downward crabbing trend. Tomorrow's CPI is gonna make or break the market. If you think it's gonna come in hot, you should start stacking

>> No.56046457 [View]
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Of course, only the lower classes would go for a mortgage right now at insane rates. Everyone else already either owns a house or has re-financed during Covid to incredibly low rates. This is what inflation/"high" rates do. The lower classes get hollowed out. Naturally, the upper middle class and above couldn't give two shits about any of this and largely benefits. That's one of the reasons why the market keeps pumping in my opinion. The richer keep getting richer and that's the main driver of the stock market. The lower classes are not considered on the stock market.
No but seriously, who the heck would wanna take on a fresh new mortgage right now? Seems like economic suicide to me

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