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>> No.4425515 [View]
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Sounds good mane.


>extremely low volume

I never understood this mentality. Almost no prostitute is low volume. The only ones that can qualify is maybe the prostitutes of the ultra rich and even then those prostitutes still fuck a considerable number of men per month/year.

>> No.4291999 [View]
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I tried signing up directly to Tether (I know, I am new) and their process is a nightmare (is obvious verification to buy tethers from the company is reserved for insiders and big money) and their fees seem pretty low (if you could somehow get access to their service).

A good idea might be either making a contact with a local ether/btc vendor and try to come to a better rate than from exchanges (specially if you can promise him high volume). If he gets his ether/btc from exachanges, he probably won't be able to give you a better rate than from an exchange. If he gets his crypto from illicit activity he might be able to give you a better rate.

Another possible idea is finding someone that has access to lower fee'd USDT/crypto perhaps someone from another country or a semi insider in this circle. Give him equity in your business etc and hope for the best. Your chances might be slim since anyone that is in the inside is already an elite and enjoying record profits, but if you can think of any creative business that deal can benefit them and you, you might have an way in.

>> No.4229845 [View]
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>Women also pay to professional matchmakers

the ones that do usually have some sort of mental issue (ball-busting over achieving old hags past their prime, insane women with psychological issues like narcissism, poor comprehension of empathy, etc, just bad characters you will want to stay away from, unless everything I described gets you rock hard).

The fine, young, good looking young women you might find did certainly not paid for the service, certainly did not pay what the matching service will make you pay.

>doesn't that weed out the gold diggers.

you are underestimating how determined gold diggers are. Remember that to them you represent a way out of their low achieving lives (besides their looks and """modeling careers"""). These women won't hesitate to blow their paycheck attending the "right events", mingling in the right "crowds" and other social climbing shit. Gold diggers gladly pay whatever they have to pay to have access to future divorce rape victims.

>I dont get how going to expensive hotels and get spa treatments is going to help me get a relationship.

Those are examples my friendo. The point really is about you gaining experiences that build you as a man. If in your life, you have never felt, cool and confident by yourself, without needing a woman by your side, you haven't developed this far just yet. You are missing valuable mental and emotional skills that will (ironically) help you get the girls you want and keep them. If you can go on a meaningful spending spree dedicated to expanding your experiences, you will certainly come out the other side stronger in every sense of the word, and you will have enjoyed every second of it.

Assuming you have the money to drop on a matching service, I also assume you are well-off enough to not sweat 5-20k a year on yourself. If that is the case, you are much better off spending money on yourself and then seeing how things go.

>> No.3943223 [View]
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I had a similar realization the other day.

I come from a family of immigrants. My dad works like a wage slave, and he busts his ass everyday to get us to finish college and hopefully improve our life situation.

My mother on the other hand is a self-absorbed narcissist, always complaining that we aren't richer (she works part time btw) and why can't we have more nice things by spending money we don't have. She started fucking up with everyone in my house nearly a year ago, and it escalated to the point of threatening to get get a lawyer if we didn't sell the house and gave her half of the money so she could run off and live the "liberated woman" life. Real nigger shit.

I flunked my college semester from the stress. Started working full time in the memest job ever, Mcdonalds. And after months of going through the motions I came to the same conclusion you did.

Nothing in my life matters. I have parents that don't really care about me (now that I dropped out). I got no friends. I am now stuck wage slaving, with very little chance of ever moving up.

And everyday, when I hand some doctor/bizman/professional engineer his fast food, a little bit of me dies inside. When I see the girl's they have by their side, A LOT MORE dies inside.

I will probably never escape this hell, this is as "good" as life gets for me.

I made a little bit of money from LINK (It was heaven or hell, pulled out at 43 cents, original investment was like 200 dollars), and that made me a little happier, but not nearly enough to fix all of my problems (student debt, etc). I remember when my biggest worry was being self conscious or seeming like a loser in school. Nowadays I have gotten used to been alone, talking to myself. And I don't care about my status anymore.

Yeah I should probably kill myself. But not yet. I am a gambler at heart. And as long as I have just a little bit of hope, I will keep playing this game. Maybe my luck will change, right?

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