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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.29529611 [View]
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say no more.
I would probably hate women too if I was conditioned to think they all love niggers and that israel is my greatest ally

>> No.28057594 [View]
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>mfw everytime I read /biz/ "watch threads"
for a board claimed to be redpilled on finance and jewish trickery, you should really not be buying luxury watches unless you are
a) passionate about horology
b) an oil sheik
>t. vintage chad-collector

>> No.26222422 [View]
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they're no longer pajeets, just retards that fomod in

>> No.25938775 [View]
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>he thinks every bot just places their order and waits
lmao get this hot head out of here

>> No.24839352 [View]
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if you make it before 30 you'll probably end up down a darker path and you'll have everything too easy from an earlier age, you'll also probably hop through a lot of women so finding the right one will be harder
making it in your 30s/early 40s means you should already be relatively settled with a wife/family and proper goals for establishing, maintaining and growing long term wealth

>> No.24604909 [View]
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fuck off you cocksucking scamming faggot
Fully diluted is 24 million
you are a piece of shit trying to trick /biz/anons
CMC is compromised binancechinkshit
coingecko is where every one goes
you should be ashamed

>> No.24580425 [View]
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and the leaders all the poorest nations of the worlds have more money than you or me, sometimes even billions.
What's your point?
dumb american, blacks live rent free in your head

>> No.23135305 [View]
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just buy RLC it will dump forever and ever but at least they won't rug

>> No.22824595 [View]
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>ITT seething LINKlets with sub-10k stacks thinking they will ever see 900k

>> No.22739023 [View]
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>>got called a retard, a coward and subhuman for selling my LINK at $19.11
I posted this about a month ago

I'm going to post some of the replies, I sincerely hope some of you are here and read this


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