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>> No.10375049 [View]
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i love meeting big stupid dummies. they make my lined jewish pockets grow

>putting a crypto on a messenger
>finding some dudes on bitcoin talk who want to make an easy 4 mill
>work remotely and have niggerstone develop a shitty resurfaced app
>me petey and my 2 buddies alan and shad dont do a thing

thanks niggerstone for letting us blame u. hehehe

>> No.10359601 [View]
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>Sell all odn for btc and then donate my stakes to the community pool when the daily volume is $50
>Have pelsjager replace me so I can live life with 300btc made
>Nobody convinces me of scamming
>Petey keeping scam alive for tax season

the absolute state of odn holders

>> No.10261933 [View]
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>Pete is a highly qualified CEO in crypto

>> No.10261780 [View]
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>Everyone is employable as long as you have dummies with money

>> No.10254204 [View]
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>Whispers in your ear, Tamico

>> No.10212303 [View]
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ill see u in the buffett too

>> No.10195724 [View]
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>Be an unethical scammer associated to 2 previous scam coins in 2014
>Hide in the shadows for a few years and reemerge again in 2017 during bullrun
>Offer blockchain advising service for another money grab opportunity, ODN
>Proceed to literally lie through teeth for months, not actually doing any work aside from making $500 website updates and UI mockups that are outsourced from a community member
>Proceed to hide wallet addresses throughout the entire coins lifecycle, almost trying to get away without having a blockexplorer until a communtiy member, Pixxl made it
>Sells off massively over months, making substantial profits in BTC
>Make hundreds of thousands of dollars while the majority of the community is at a big loss for not selling

Yeah, if you're still in this you are a literal retard, sorry to say. The messenger was never even connected to the blockchain and Sagemark/Pete both made off like bandits, while blaming blackstone for the projects failure

It gets even better with ODIN though. They make it a community initiative coin, mitigating further responsbility and paying a bunch of chumps in now valueless ODN to do all the marketing for a product that doesn't, and will never exist.

Holy fuck this communtiy is so stupid. I know Pelsjager is even more stupid for agreeing to take over Sagemark's role after he cashed out a ton of money on the community with a now zero worth coin.

He has to be getting paid under the table by Pete to be on this. No way someone could sleep soundly at night being associated to this scam project without being incentivized.

Jordan Schneider and Peter McClory both deserve to be taken outside in a firing range infront of their families and executed

>> No.10142376 [View]
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I love big stupid dummies, they made my lined pockets grow! Sorry you are still holding dummy. Let's take a look at the price of ODN after I dumped all of my bags a few months ago

Oooooo that's gotta hurt, $0.04! I dumped mine at atleast 15x that! Blackstone finish this retard for me. Dump it to zero!

>> No.10126437 [View]
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It was as easy as taking candy from a baby

>> No.10126298 [View]
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dunno what happened to sagescam

but Petey is still pulling the strings for this next scam

Think about it. He was a CEO of a cryptocurrency project.

He failed.

Now there is ODIN and he is the CEO again.

What brainlet is going to fall for this scam again?
Well /biz/ of course.

>> No.10114786 [View]
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Sniff Sniff,

I thought I smelled a dummy on this board. Pelsjager is that u?

>> No.10008370 [View]
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it had one of the highest inflation rates around and really milked the master node meme

it won't be long until Petey hires some pajeets to shill ODIN

dunno what happened to sagemark though

>> No.9832657 [View]
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*sniif sniff*

eehhhh I thought I smelt some suckers round here

buy ODN, only coin worth having

>> No.9829221 [View]
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*sniff sniff*

here's your chance goy
ODN is only 7 cents

>> No.9801581 [View]
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buy ODN

>> No.9717642 [View]
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>> No.9710853 [View]
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hoy there goys

remember me?

>> No.9672597 [View]
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nothing, everything went according to plan

>> No.9622567 [View]
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buy ODN

>> No.9620391 [View]
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this goy knows a quality project

>> No.9616286 [View]
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oh hey goy

>> No.9572656 [View]
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my plan worked perfectly. everyone hates blackstone and i get a free house

i love obsidian dummies!

>> No.9509519 [View]
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nyone see similarities with this project and TakCoin?


You will see our main website evolve over time and become a center of news, information, social community, outreach and interaction.

This post will also be updated over time, the first of which should happen later tonight or tomorrow when we release the new website and new, larger, dev team.

Please feel free to ask any questions and we'll try to be as open and responsive as we can.

Again thank you all for the support and thank you for trusting in us. We promise you that our all will be given in this project and you will all be very happy with the results.

Jordan Schneider TAKcoin Founder sagefit@projecttak.com
He promised that people would be happy with the results and then he exit dumped causing people to lose tens of thousands of dollars. Same thing is happening with ODN right now with website and team restructuring.

>> No.9504946 [View]
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hey hey there goy
Buy Obsidian (ODN)

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