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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.58705563 [View]
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That is the "Kansas City Shuffle". You take all of the present-day labor, land, and resources and you create a pile of toxic waste twice the size of the U.S. GDP (The BOND MARKET) and you pass it off on to the public via government debt, pensions, insurance companies.
So everyone knows, we're all sitting on this powder keg of 80-90% write offs. Paper millionaires are going to get shredded in purchasing power en masse and it's probably going to pretty funny to watch it all go down. This was destined since 2002 Dot Com bubble, made worse via real estate, and now the public is saturated with debt and the implosion will put the great depression to shame. /PMG/ jokes about it costing a Mercury Dime to get your dick sucked for a reason. All the value people think they own is propped up and tied to "IOUs" chasing basis points. Run for the fucking hills! It;s all bullshit!
The Feds can't take your cash and spend it on the Ukraine war and then turn around and give the money back, PLUS INTEREST! The dollar is basically fucked and there is hardly a pretense that it isn't. It's just that no one is going to tell you.

>> No.58570854 [View]
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Not my problem. Everyone paying attention to GME is never selling for less than 10 figures per share and they have a metric ton of precious metals incase the elite rugpull us.
Checkmate, hedgies.

>> No.58558001 [View]
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It's pretty astounding that the number of ounces you need is so low to be in the 1%.
Greg Mannarino always says silver is the best investment of all time and often says to look at the historical Dow:Gold ratio and then the Gold:Silver ratio.
Twice in US History Dow:Gold has hit 1:1. And the GSR is like 70-80 when it has always been 15. It is also thought the mining ratios are even dropping and it is coming out of the ground at 7 ounces per 1 ounce of gold.
So at its heart a major revaluation is looming. And the entire system could damn well break when its happens.
Gold and silver as monetary commodities sets the stage for the value of all commodities, and the tiny little suppressed market cap of silver could forcibly revalue gold and even all trade if it ever breaks out of the manipulation caused by real world shortage. Industry will be forced to price retail investors out. And all of those costs will just move on to the consumer anyway.
There will be some serious vitriol for silver investors in the future. In the same vane as people hating "oil speculators" when gas is $5 a gallon.

>> No.58547600 [View]
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The system may very well break (at least for them, if not EVERYONE). It is by its nature a ponzi scheme and it works by having more people pay in than draw it down with the Fed able to prime the pump and fill the holes when needed.
Is the whole system in a do-or-die situation of can kicking? I recommend keeping valuable metals stashes outside of the system for the very real possibility that shit hits the fan. Remember, if the tip-top eschelons of power lose the game they will simply flip the board. They own/control the dollar and will do whatever they can in order to maintain control with as little political upset as possible. It is wise to anticipate this and have one-foot in the life-boat at all times.

>> No.58496492 [View]
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>> No.58477552 [View]
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GME ran up and if my calls get exercised I will have bagged $10,000 in profit which get dumped into silver.
So satisfying to go on a spending spree

>> No.58379699 [View]
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Yea, even after we dropped to $18 the premiums were sky high for a LONG time and we really only had 6 months or so of decently priced silver.
I work too hard and too long and groceries are costing more than ever now. My dream of having a massive safe full of 10z bars is closing.

>> No.58367994 [View]
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underrated comment

>> No.58279127 [View]
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>Bayhorse actually is a scam, if it’s shilled on biz it’s definitely a scam
Everyone should be wary of junior mining stocks shilled on biz as well as gold/silver pundits. It costs nothing for a CEO to do an interview on a youtube channel to get some exposure for a stock that could do poorly.
In the case of Bayhorse, this place was full of logos and memes and "DD" that had the shareprice run up from like $0.07 up to $.24 or something and then it collapsed and I'm sure plenty of people got burned by the FOMO.
Far better to stick to physical as I am not so sure that any of these stocks will perform like we hope they will because the integrity of the markets and the political risks of nationalization are very very real here. Gold and silver are on the up and up and even then I have my doubts anything good will happen in the mining sector.

>> No.58207808 [View]
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There is a music tour known as the "Jubilee tour" and eclipses are often seen as bad omens. Red heifers are being sacrificed to fulfil a prophecy to bring on the end times/anti christ.
Yea, I feel it too. A paradigm shift is on the horizon.

>> No.58168823 [View]
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Remember frens,
PMs are money and everything else is credit. You can live your life rather comfily on $2,000 a month which is about an ounce of gold. But when you really start saving up for expensive purchases, even things that are $20,000-$500,000 such as a house or a car those values start to lose practical sense. Because almost always in those higher denominations you are dealing almost exclusively in terms of leverage and credit. Looking at your 401k or your stock portfolio you may see a big number. But if the banks have another major monetary event the purchasing power of credit could implode because ALL of it is propped up with cheap money sloshing around. Debt/Leverage is a wealth-extraction-mechanism and it does exactly that DESPITE you seemingly able to collecting millions and millions of dollars. The big secret is we are accumulating credit and not necessarily capital. And all of the capital you own outright is leveraged anyway such as a house or a car. Selling leveraged assets and then buying the equivalent in PMs will probably be the greatest play of your life if you can survive the long drawn-out timeline.

>> No.58156742 [View]
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Any other examples of "hidden hands" that you know of. I figured that his parents were also bankers and had close ties and they sent him off already an agent for them.

>> No.57850354 [View]
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>on black, like your boyfriend,

>> No.57734589 [View]
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I just think they're neat!

>> No.57646156 [View]
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The reason I keep most of my wealth outside of the bank is because they are all overlevered and the system is needing to issue new bonds just to pay interest. There is no stopping this process and some $9TN are coming due this year as well. Might be a good time to grab onto some real wealth while you still can.

>> No.57594647 [View]
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I never watch TV, but you are right. Aside from the actual game, all of the ads and the entire aesthetic was pretty cringe. Part of looting America is keeping everyone distracted with stupid nonsense.

>> No.57530837 [View]
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Silver is also one of the most important materials we have. We need it in large quantities to have all sorts of technologies we see today. You can't have modern electronics without it. Industry absolutely hate silver because they know how tight the supply is. A $400 flat screen TV being pumped out profitably has 2 ounces of silver. What happens if silver goes to $200 per ounce? That same TV will be $1000.
There are all kinds of technologies and products that could disappear WHEN silver is looked at as a store of value preferable to the paper-ponzi that is your local bank. Industry will actually need to price us out which will make silver all the more attractive. And even then all of the economy-of-scale created to sell cheap products to consumers will suddenly not be needed when people can't afford them anymore due to inflation.
So this is a very nasty little conundrum here. 900M ounces of silver is enough to give everyone several grams of silver. That is NOTHING. Silver is quite clearly the best in class on numerous fronts and is in short supply. Game theory shows that everyone is going to downplay this material because they want you thinking it's a stinker because they need it for industry. They want YOUR purchasing power tucked away in banks, 401ks, insurance and other paper-ponzi products. Once your "money" starts to flood into the real world the shortages are revealed. Silver will be the first to go. It is the most important commodity out there for this very reason.They slap down silver deribatives to keep you away. They sell many multiples of "paper silver" to dilute and soak up demand. They have to keep you chasing basis points and not playing the REAL game.

>> No.57436213 [View]
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This pic is surprisingly good on multiple levels. The guy on the desert island surrounded by destitutes. The man smiling while also sweating. Being on a desert island cooking next to some hot metal with no food and water.
I like it.

>> No.57312310 [View]
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Unfortunately the U.S. is still a massive country which exports a ton of machinery, planes, food and energy. The world will definitely be impacted by America's implosion. However due to trade agreements of those who are "in the know", it will likely be true that trade will be up again on some new terms to help keep things afloat. America could actually survive as an economy, however the political landscape will make things a shitshow.

>> No.57252880 [View]
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How can you possibly feel poor when you have so much raw capital just stashed safely away.

>> No.57202369 [View]
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The haves and have-nots will be decided based on physical ownership of capital. Credit based wealth of stocks, bonds, and real estate will implode.

>> No.57126541 [View]
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Is there ever enough, bros?

>> No.56816753 [View]
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Not my stack but PM pics are the best parts of these threads.

>> No.56731033 [View]
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You will never be this comfy

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