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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.17535717 [View]
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Ethereum is fundamentally the future, Bitcoin is just a useless old coin with a doomed future due to mining profits getting rekt by the halvenings.

There is literally no future in Bitcoin, transaction fees will have to rise into the hundreds of dollars per transaction to sustain the network. Not to even speak about the immense Proof of Waste system Bitcoin works on where miners waste more electricity than entire nations - this is already happening TODAY.

Ethereum has all the developers and apps running on it, hell even Tether for gods sake has moved over to running on the Ethereum network. Not to mention stablecoins like DAI which are already completely functional and capturing Billions in USD in their ecosystems sustaining people all over the world living in nations with weak hyperinflating currencies.

The only people still shouting that Bitcoin is the future are twitter influencers who own big amounts and/or run investment funds who didn't see the Ethereum train coming. It's sad to see how many follow them blindly.

I give it 2 years max before Ethereum flips the hell out of Bitcoin and that process has started already started a few months back.

>> No.14577161 [View]
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That's a risky thing to ask on 4chan, maybe try /trv/ as well since in here on /biz/ you'll mostly get responses by people who are pretty high on the autism scale.

Back to your question: the standard party-it-up social life style is worthless beyond the 2 or so years you partake in it when you're 18-20. Those are just to show you what it really is, it's fun for a little while but ultimately empty as fuck.

I see everyone in this thread hate on being social, wasting money on drinks and girls and whatnot. They're doing it wrong, you can go out and be social and have actually great conversations with good friends and interesting girls. Often those interesting conversations don't just fall out of the sky when you invite them to your home, but happen spontaneously while having an awesome dinner in a cozy place with your friends, or when enjoying the sunset with a beer.

I know it sounds like a women-meme, but sharing and talking about your thoughts and issues you're facing in your life with friends and colleagues is fucking important. Everyone is working through the same struggles, not tapping in on that hivemind knowledge is an absolute waste.
Also having friends truly care about you, and having a lot of those quality friends is the best feeling in the world. You tell them about that important project you're finishing up in two weeks, they send you a message 2 weeks later "how did it go Anon? Let's hang out so you can tell me about it now that you have time off again". Stuff like that is important in life man, can't just coast through it all solo.

I'm introvert as fuck and need days in between to recharge, but you gotta spend that charge wisely instead of wanking it into the wind to filthy bukkake porn on a Mongolian basket weaving forum.

>> No.13115506 [View]
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Brilliant, the plebs are still focussing on ICO's.

The Ethereum killer (d)app will be Decentralized Finance, DAI and Maker CDPs are killing it right now.

Taking out loans from the system? No banks needed? People are blind if they dont see this future coming, and this future is now because it is being used more and more every single day.

Smart people are accumulating, the charts show the patterns. Go check the ratio chart, very clear bottom signals. MA's are flipping one after the other. Dips are being bought relentlessly.

Nothing went wrong.

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