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>> No.57331780 [View]
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>> No.52335057 [View]
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Because what he didn't give to the democrat party is probably laundered 100x over and sitting in a Swiss bank managed by an Israeli fellow. He was living below his means because he knew this was coming (it was probably his aim from the start), and all spare money was being stashed for later. Now he's given a statement about raising funds or some shit to give people hopium and donate, which he will promptly fuck off with again.

>> No.49450043 [View]
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Gulags. It was taboo to ask another inmate why they were sent to the gulag because so many of them were former loyal party members. A few years of hard labor might do it.

>> No.28680172 [View]
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No it doesn't make things "better". But I'd rather be awake to the severity of what's going on around me than to wake up one day from blissful ignorance to find myself in 1917 two electric boogaloo. There will be no "better" until things get a lot worse. Removing evil and fixing society isn't supposed to be easy. Living with your head in the sand and hoping that XRP will save you from what's coming and thinking this means you don't have to prepare is ngmi tier.

>> No.27994311 [View]
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Except they got double Jew'd. The issue isn't class war. The people causing the problem are above class. Class warfare is Marxist drivel. Class is an inevitable and natural thing. There are great examples in both the USSR and China. In the USSR the Nomenklatura became the new elite class with infinitely more privilege and power than the bourgeois and aristocratic rulers they replaced. In China during the Cultural Revolution the elite were "rusticated", meaning they were forcibly relocated and made into farmers. Their children quickly rose to the top despite being rusticated. Normal people have a stronger national identity than a class identity. History, race, culture, and religion form stronger bonds than economic class. WWI was a clear demonstration of this. Dialectical Materialism considers these factors to be "spooks"; meaning that they are the result of false consciousness and can be ignored.

Class warfare ends in pic related, the people causing the problems all GTFO to the next host country, the dregs of society massacre the middle and upper middle class people who pay the majority of the taxes, then the actual problems move back in and take power in the mess that's left. Reddit are still parent's basement dwelling commie faggots.

>> No.26313144 [View]
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>> No.25830029 [View]
File: 383 KB, 1635x1059, 1599975447934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>t. doesn't understand evolutionary psychology

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