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>> No.19293922 [View]
File: 368 KB, 980x1154, 37c7b837eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8821945 [View]
File: 351 KB, 980x1154, 1492114647192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine thinking races only differentiate by skin color

>> No.7819894 [View]
File: 351 KB, 980x1154, races skulls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To supplement, note the forehead and occiput on the congoid and caucasoid skulls here, as well as the width. OP image is clearly attempting to recast nigger features as being attractive and white features as unattractive.

>> No.7257789 [View]
File: 368 KB, 980x1154, 1507981352107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>missing the point of the picture this much.
Sub-species of human do exist. If I want one that has no ability to project into the future and that sinks when in water then I know where to come to OP ;)

>> No.5092268 [View]
File: 368 KB, 980x1154, 1507981352107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, maybe he is a rare pajeet that is intelligent (doing LAW in pajeet land is no indicator of this) but in general certain sub-species of human are no better than animals. The exceptions are most orientals and white people. Obviously, every subspecies has its idiots and geniuses which is why some people, possibly you? anon? are alright members of these sub-species. Unfortunately, most are not. Hell, I even think 50% of white people need to be put in ovens. Humanity is dumbing down and most of us need to go, especially those genetically from below the tropic of cancer on average. If OP needs crypto money to get out of their shithole country then they are probably not smart enough anyway. The ice age thinned out the northern people's ranks and made us smarter in survival of the fittest where only those who adapted survived. The rest of the world needs to go through a similar period and needs to evolve naturally. Giving them handouts and helping them with charity is only weakening them, it is killing them with kindness just like social welfare (especially that given to single mothers) does in the west. It all needs to go for the good of mankind. These sub-species need to start taking responsibility for their own futures and eventually, they can be allowed to join humanity. Inviting them in now is a mistake, one we are making due to women in politics. Politics is for protection and the defence and rule of law. Women have turned it into a charity and bunch of social programmes. This is wrong. So very, very wrong and the men have forgotten why. They will remember, soon.

>> No.4887174 [View]
File: 368 KB, 980x1154, 1507981352107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. If we could have our own want the world would have all vermin species of human exterminated. It is something that each of us white people knows and feel deep down in our souls even if we will not admit it in the open. When we look at other nations and cultures we see you as nothing more than a quaint amusement. No more than if we were to see a monkey in a zoo. Do we fear you? yes, because you are not in cages. We understand that there are only two species of human on this planet that have evolved enough mental capacity to be truly civil and we begrudgingly accept each other (Orientals/Whites) and even we have breeds we would rather do without in our own sub-species of human (like the French). You see the ice age forces people living in the northern hemisphere to adapt or die, this caused those with larger brains and intellectual adaptation abilities to stand a better chance of procreating. It is basic evolution and a process that subtropical sub-species did not go through. Unlike the Asiatic, Mediterranian and Nordic races. Instead you developed other traits, such as some sub Saharans improved ability to run (sub-saharans who happen to contain 95% of all the genetic diversity ion earth btw, they are more different to each other in many cases than they are to us) So yes, we would prefer that you were all in cages, or at least playing to your strengths (aka non-intellectual pursuits in general but there are outliers in every race or in pajeets case I suppose their strength is begging) but a flag will have to do.

Sources: Stephen J Goulds - The Richness of Life.

>> No.1451467 [View]
File: 368 KB, 980x1154, races.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at their foreheads. They obviously have a smaller brain then us caucasians

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