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>> No.49965456 [View]
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> Year is 2022 or some shit
> Be assigned doctor
> Walking to my doctors lounge/clinic one day
> Europeasant fag calls me over to her nasty ass lower middleclass house
> Its literally made of plywood and plaster
> whatnow.jpeg
> Says her husband hurt his arm while harvesting his crops
> Meet dirty ass husband laying on their shit caked floor
> "Doctor, it's me arm. I think its broken"
> I'll be the judge of that, faggot
> Examine it like the expert I am
> "Ah yes, I've seen this many times before. This is most certainly the Covid"
> "No m'lord, I just fell on it, I swear!"
> "Silence, doth thou know more than I, peasant?"
> Beat the plague out of him with my PCR-Stick
> PCR-Rape his family for thinking he knows more than me
> Prescribe everyone remdesivir and midazolam
> You are now ridden of the devils Covid
> feelsgood.pmg
> Tell him his restaurant foods are all infected
> They must be burned, lest the whole town die of Covid
> What a shame that would be
> also quarantine for everyone
> working not allowed
> Burn his restaurant for him
> Ruin the family of bitcoin with no Income and quarantine fees
> but gave them free mystery juice syringe
> Town starves because all their stores are closed
> notmyproblem.gif
> this is the worst pandamic ever
> we need to vaccinate everyone trice and upgrade it with a boost and than a refresh Vaccine
> its our job to help
> we are the experts

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