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>> No.6960350 [View]
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See, you're just saying shit that's so ignorant it's not even worthy of a response. You're so deeply troubled by the idea that your way of life is wrong that you desperately regurgitate whatever ancient and thoroughly lame talking points the oil industry cooked up to lull you to sleep.

You're not even thinking about what you write.

>How could humans be changing the climate when the climate has changed without humans before?


protip: The level of carbon in the atmosphere has been one of the biggest determiners of climate over the ages. In fact, the last time atmospheric carbon was this high, the planet was very nearly sterilized. For an entertaining read on this and other topics, check out the book The Ends of the World: Volcanic Apocalypses, Lethal Oceans, and Our Quest to Understand Earth's Past Mass Extinctions

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