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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.22436671 [View]
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The dapp will also eventually feature something called the Automated Investment Maker, which can run on autopilot in order to execute trading strategies, even while you're not actively there trading. This trading is done based on a deep learning algorithm that the creator has been developing for several years.

Every single person who reads this and doesn't do some basic research on this token deserves exactly what they will get, which is a future of scrolling through the catalog on this board, buying into shitty coins that lose them money.

Ask yourself why you don't see anyone posting about this token here. It's not because it's bad, it's clearly not; millions of dollars are being made right now with this, purely because the people that have it can interface with new coins in a way that they never could before. They don't have to wait for someone to bring them a good deal, they can simply find it themselves. It is the essence of DYOR, and if you believe in that to any degree, you are doing yourself a massive disservice by not holding TRND.
The real reason you don't hear about it is because once people have it, they have no reason to come here anymore. I bought in and almost immediately stopped coming here. I check back MAYBE once a week for a few minutes to see what you fags are bitching about, but that's about it. I don't come here for advice anymore, because anyone here not trading with TRND is just guessing. Once you own TRND, /biz/ becomes just a pointless shilling of scams to gullible anons.
TRND is the opposite of that. TRND gives you the vision to see past the scams and find the gems yourself.

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