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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>Economics is super simple
says the accounting guy kek

I have a masters in econ too and got offered two university teaching positions (both 60k+) and a few other random jobs including banking and whatnot. I settled on being a quant (if you even want to call it that for what I do) for a finance firm because mo money.

>She's getting her PHD next, because it's supposedly required to get work being an "economist."
Yeah, this is true. Though, a lot of PhDs end up back in academia only teaching undergrad classes so their advanced chops get dull over time essentially to the level of masters degree. I had one PhD professor in econ who didn't even know you can get a refund on a tariff you paid if you're an importer.

The highest math utilized in PHD economics is apparently calc III?
Sounds about right. Def more stats based than math based I'd say.

>8 years of school in a supposed math/logic oriented science without going beyond multi-variable calculus seems insane to me.
Hit the nail on the head. Econ is a social science (and a psuedoscience at that). There isn't even any point in having a religion because your economic outlook is now your religion. It's that dogmatic and entrenched in the "science" aspect of it too.

>I won't chime in too hard on "business" degrees. I've seen alot of em, and I don't have much hope for those gentlemen.
Business aka I'm too stupid to do finance aka I'm too stupid to do econ aka I'm too stupid to do STEM aka I didn't just go balls deep and study advanced mathematics so I settled on "business management" (whatever that even means). You're right lad, no hope for these fellas.

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