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>> No.12585182 [View]
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You're playing a very funny game with counterfactuals.

In fact, in doing this game of inflated superiority you're actually selling yourself short. Europe was a backwater, an absolute shithole compared to the rest of the world before 1500, it's come back was perhaps the most momentous in history. That was a real accomplishment.

>And if tribal politics is the future than white people can embrace their tribe as much as any other.
To the extent tribal politics are the future it's to the detriment of all humanity.

>They awoke the right and it's not going back to bed any time soon.
There is no end to the back and forth of blame you can make her. Black, brown people, women, whatever minority group you're thinking of, only organized because they were confronted with systems that were prejudiced against them. There is no primordial epoch where all of this was in perfect justice, that's a fantasy.

You want politics to be genuinely liberating, you focus on the struggle of the majority class versus the elites. It's that simple. We can quibble about cakes and affirmative action later.

I don't disagree. But there's always a casual explanation for irrationality, it doesn't make the thinking more rational. What will help both the white working class and the rest of the working class is thinking of themselves as a class, rather than whatever subgroup works best to divide them.

In case the subtext was lost on you, I'm a spic, mestizo. capiche? I told them they shouldn't make fun of white people all the time.

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