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>> No.53690618 [View]
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If you're an advanced western nation planning to circumnavigate the Earth do you:

a) Blindly throw your best ships into the Ocean - ships which you don't know are capable of making the journey and hope there is no Cthulu around?

b) Send rafts and barges to gauge if the Aztecs can make them sink with human ritual sacrifice

This is your brain on science fiction. In fact at this point I'm not even sure I'm talking to a real person, could be just AI posting trying to maintain muh UFO narrative. I feel dirty even comparing space navigation to sea navigation as the sea is indescribably easier to deal with.

>be capable of traveling through so much spacetime and come from so far away you're out of reach of SETI or any Earth telescope
>incapable of surveying a celestial body and the lifeforms on it without sending in "throaway" crafts
>your "invasion" target can do that already from light years away with basic astronomy

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