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>> No.30194124 [View]
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REIT that is not recovered yet is not a bad bet but remember corona is forever because it's the new whip to demoralise the population, it'll have a million strains like the flu and blah blah, baiscally it's gonna suck ass until people go outside again, which may happen depending on what they own, so consider what is likely to open and in what states and try to find something, look at Texas reopening for instance

>> No.29715568 [View]
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Anything defense old sleepy joe is as Warhawk as they come, bombs and oil are his bread and butter, trannies and green energy are just how he gets votes from cuckmerica

>> No.29310900 [View]
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Id rather invest in Ugandan mecha if I'm gonna invest in third world sci Fi larp

>> No.29221541 [View]
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Worried about the slush fund FUD unironically, I was considering going full chad mode and buying warrants but I might just drop a conservative sum into shares where it's at rn, not super interested in holding long term waiting for the merger to happen, im more inclined to try and flip it a few times as it moves up, problem is I have this nagging voice in my mind saying 10% correction stop opening positions! I'm most likely losing out waiting but it's getting to me

>> No.29216689 [View]
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I'm guessing you're a leaf and it seems like you like leaky news hype, I bought Sona this week for that reason it just drifted up almost 40 cents on rumour of a health Canada submission, rapid antigen point of care test made on Halifax with approval in Europe, their competiton has fallen through and they're relatively solid, of the government stops sucking it's own dick and we get news it'll get back to where it was late 2020, realistically I expect it to double up on rumour next week even

>> No.29157224 [View]
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Whoever kept post this anime girl, I just wanna say I really like the picture, would have said it sooner but was banned.

>> No.29141404 [View]
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Why won't weed just fucking die already, all the companies are shit and it's inflated 500%, can we have more than 2 red days in a row so I can get those marijuana inversion dollars, the MER is so high on HMJI, good thing I didn't buy it yesterday, fuck, maybe I should just short it myself

>> No.29080194 [View]
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The second you buy a solid stock you have carefully researched and watched for a week preparing yourself to invest and make gains, the market will tank to 0 and everyone who bought 1 share of sqqq and was like decay? Wtf shut up technocrat will be millionaires

>> No.29052727 [View]
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I need to recoup my losses, just a few more days please for my positions to close and give me back my losses then it can crash

>> No.29025974 [View]
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If any Canadians are awake I just went on redflagdeals to see what they're discussing short term since boomers always recommend I look at it, I couldn't figure out why the thread was backdated like 2 years, but I was on page 1 of a long huge thread, idk why I'm posting this it just mad me laugh that I'm incapable of using a forum that isn't 4chan. Alot of pakis on this site and also no anime so it's cringe

>> No.28991260 [View]
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Psyk the ETF?

>> No.28965624 [View]
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Make a five fund growth ETF portfolio as a strong backbone to your account diversified across developed and emerging markets + domestic (spy qqq etc) then play with 2-5% in memes and swing trades until you get experience and can play with bigger money, remember that investing 100$ cause that's all you're willing to lose is stupid, if you invest 1000 with proper stop loss you are risking the same basically but widening your profit margin greatly and giving you breathing room, play with real sums and use risk management, small sums are more risky because to profit decently you need to 2x or more which is unlikely

>> No.28962069 [View]
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Actually it's this societal trend overall of mediocrity that gets me, like dude I just smoke weed and watch the office all day it's impossible for you to have learned something, you must be cheating or something, I think people don't realize it but peasants in the middle ages are still around basically that's the level most Americans are at, just with added technology

>> No.28944069 [View]
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Ttx is a TSXv lithium lotto ticket

>> No.28900613 [View]
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Is the tanker anon here what happened to wti after hours, that was a fucking great day, got any predictions for March 3rd earnings, I'm thinking we gonna hit 4 or 5$ in the next week's approaching earnings, plus the oil pump

>> No.28859129 [View]
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>not holding any PLTR
Feels good investing in companies without meme status and r*ddit following.
I'm up 2% today already.

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