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>> No.55785772 [View]
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Median household income vs Home price

>> No.55015702 [View]
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The market is already turning and holy shit this bubble is magnitudes bigger than 08.

>> No.54975710 [View]
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Housing has to meet income at some point. We're in a downturn and no one knows how hard it will snap back.

>> No.54676966 [View]
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The top was June 2022. This is the case shiller index that measures the relation between home prices and housing prices. Remember that a house is considered affordable when it is two to four times yearly income.

As you can see in this housing bubble housing was eight to nine times income. What does that mean? Lots of people that are house poor that are just getting eaten up by inflation.

>> No.54453802 [View]
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So the biggest bubble in human history keeps going up?

>> No.54375911 [View]
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The more people screech that housing can't decline the more I believe it will. It's irrational exuberance at the peak of an all time bubble.

No one claiming that housing won't decline will provide any evidence backing it up. These threads are either bots or shills.

>> No.54335704 [View]
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You are provably wrong.

>> No.54310334 [View]
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Houses aren't a shitcoin the prices move at glacial speed. It took years from the crash of 08 for deals to start appearing.

>> No.54258283 [View]
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What's with the endless cope with people thinking the market is roaring back with just two more weeks and a fed pivot? This is the largest bubble in human history that put the prices beyond the reach of like 90% of the population.

There's no possible way it goes up without Weimar hyperinflation. If housing booms at this point it means the US is a failed state.

>> No.54173760 [View]
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>buying this chart

>> No.54168322 [View]
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Are you really claiming that housing is affordable?

>> No.53840135 [View]
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Why is this such a foreign concept about unsustainable pricing? Incomes simply cannot support a case shiller of 8.

>> No.53820146 [View]
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Using your analogy then no I would not buy Cocoa Puffs when they are 8X my yearly income. Also why are you eating goyslop have some fucking self-respect and eat like an adult.

>> No.53623414 [View]
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>hey look a trailer in rural alabama is cheap that totally means we're not in the biggest bubble in human history

Nice midwit argument

>> No.53458099 [View]
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Yeah at one point I was confused why houses were so expensive while incomes weren't going up. Then I realized that these niggers were taking out the maximum possible debt at every opportunity.

That's why any slight economic downturn is catastrophic-there's millions of people living paycheck to paycheck due to their ridiculous amount of goy debt.

>> No.53401063 [View]
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Doing an extra pizza delivery shift isn't going to change reality. Dave is applying boomer logic to a modern situation that he clearly doesn't understand.

>> No.53338405 [View]
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Demonstrably not true. Case Shiller at 8 is truly not sustainable.

>> No.53068525 [View]
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There has never been a bubble this big in human history. Get ready for the roller coaster down.

>> No.53058019 [View]
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It's the biggest real estate bubble in human history. Things were already inflated to a ridiculous degree before interest rates.

>> No.53016799 [View]
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>peak of the biggest bubble in human history is a good time to buy

Check back in about a year nigger.

>> No.53008562 [View]
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After 2008 prices didn't bottom for 3 years.

>> No.52945332 [View]
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>buying a variable rate mortgage when case shiller is at fucking 8 and double the historical average

Crazy how this bubble is objectively far worse than 2008 and normies can't look up a few charts.

>> No.52929216 [View]
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You think you are clever but the historical data proves that you are just baffled by bullshit.

>> No.52830239 [View]
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Buy high sell low psychology in full effect. People fomo'd in at 8 on the fucking case shiller and will hold onto it until the bitter end when it returns to around 4-5 as the historical average.

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