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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.57676165 [DELETED]  [View]
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Recently found out an ex coworker who was also my boss broke up with her bf a few months ago, we both worked in the banking sector and she paid me a LOT of money to just sit on my ass and flex on her in the office. Outside of that I barely spoke to her though.
Thinking about calling her new phone number at her new job.

Here's the problem though: she makes cringe tiktok videos and is a "cat mom", she makes those "what I do at my 9 to 5 job, time for coffee! Then I make some calls before lunch"

I find that unbearably cringe. The reason why I didn't talk to her in the first place was because she was boasting to me about her exes and how much they loved her during our lunch hours.

My question is, how financially wise is it to avoid potential narcissists vs. going for it? Also what's the point of having a gf in 2024 when a dinner costs 50 bucks you could spend on yourself?

>> No.57598182 [View]
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My stepsister who is not related to me by blood at all asked me about how to open a Metamask account today, should I help her or ignore her? She's so annoying, what a nuisance. Damn brat never behaves herself. She'll probably end up getting rugged.

>> No.57595171 [DELETED]  [View]
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I have currently in my possession the original dated telegram by Bob Ford first detailing the murder of Jesse James to the police. More info: the telegram resembles a crude piece of paper, a small note with pencil writing.
"I have killed Jesse James.
- Bob Ford"

This is the original one and only note, which can easily be sold for 100 grand, however since I need the money I am willing to sell it to the /biz/ for the measly sum of 75k USD.

The note will be mailed securely and payments are available in eth, xmr or rxd.

>> No.57579267 [View]
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You know something is a scam when it pumps this violently put of nowhere. I'm talking about aviator (AVI) specifically. You guys are being used as exit liquidity, retards. Pajeets are planning to dump on your heads. No steady growth, just a scam pump after which this shit will be left in the dust at 600k mcap and you'll never see your money again
Nintendo will nuke this coin just like they did with Grumpy back in 2020

>b but it's a blockchain, you can't shut it down (even though a copyright strike is enough to bring any coin to 0 as we've seen countless times before)
>the devs know this and are just waiting for the rug
>meanwhile the scam is ongoing and the shillers aren't banned yet for God knows what fucking reason

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