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>> No.7432387 [View]
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Read the article.

It basically says that the majority of current coins will eventually go to zero at some point in the future (no timeline given) because new projects will eventually be developed and some projects will pull far ahead of their competition - like how Google eventually won out over other search engines like Askjeeves, hotbot etc...

Sensationalist clickbait title with very little content or market insight.

>> No.5306758 [View]
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I'm just waiting it out and buying dips but if you're really concerned you can buy tether or something. Don't be mad though when your coins bounce back...

>> No.3760755 [View]
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It's still being built and what we have now is just a proof of concept. Ethereum as I've described it (the true Ethereum) doesn't exist yet but it's less than 2 years away. Quantum proof is definitely in the road map, though.

>> No.3702449 [View]
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they both will go up, probably. i see $10,000 bitcoin and $1000 ether.

to be clear, by bitcoin i mean the collection of btc, bch, btc1 together. we are in the middle of a fork and there's politics involved over what bitcoin is. so like a value of $10,000 if you just hold your shit in your wallet.

>> No.3694460 [View]
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the very, very last weak hand has been shaken out. there are no more weak hands left now. only moons from now on.

>> No.3691257 [View]
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as for people who say it's "already priced in": there are people stuck under longs/shorts, or holding alt bags still wanting to get into the market and stalling because eth is stable.

that money always says fuck it, dumps their bags, and moves in at the very last second before the pump like clockwork

i've been trading for 2 years (i'm not an expert but seen these patterns again and again and again) and this shit always happens.

>> No.3677437 [View]
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It's Saturday, November 18th, 2017. BTC is pushing $7300 and ETH is sitting at just under 0.1 after failing to flip BTC in the Byzantium pump. Constantinople has been delayed again and ETH keeps fucking crashing. It's become a meme at this point.

The Segwit2x fork happens at around 1:00 PM. BTC1 quickly drops to 0.3 and bounces around there for a while. BTC1's hash rate starts to fall and things are starting to look like Bitcoin Cash 2.0.

However, the BTC1 hash rate stabilizes above 50% and starts rising again. BTC starts to dip, and BTC1 starts to come back. 0.4... 0.5... 0.6?! 0.7?!?!

BTC starts rapidly falling in price. $6000. $5000. ETH's ratio finally breaks 0.1 again but it doesn't matter because ETH holder still lose money.

Then it happens. BTC1 flips BTC. Shock waves through all alts as they decouple from BTC. LTC moons for no reason, as it does. ETH crashes for no reason, as it does.

BTC's price stabilizes at $700 around but from there it's a slow bleed down. And they'll ask, years later: where were you when Bitcoin died?

>> No.3477911 [View]
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op here, going to post more girls to bump the thread :)

>> No.3475470 [View]
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the "it's going back up guys! $10k moon!" bull trap is going to wreck so many people. it's almost as if they've forgotten that the btc network costs $20 per transaction and takes over an hour

>> No.3454687 [View]
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> metropolis gives monero level anonymous transactions. no taxes, ever
> soon after metropolis, serenity
> staking pools buy up all the eth, price goes even higher
> network becomes so fast that it literally competes directly with amazon aws, peer reviewed paper show this and are available right now
> btc holders still think eth is an altcoin when eth has the faster network, higher actual market cap, more usage, and is cheaper to use, and big tech is building apps on it


>> No.3377240 [View]
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holy fuck, eth just formalized casper for peer review (3 white papers). this is fucking huge. metropolis on the 22nd (official release date), also fucking huge. raiden is live RIGHT NOW on the test net. also fucking huge.

eth is improving by leaps and bounds, already has a larger market cap than btc (if you don't include the btc that's been lost forever), and cheaper, faster, and has more apps than btc RIGHT NOW.

but people still call it an "alt coin" as if it's not the #1 performing coin, #1 in hash rate, #1 in every other metric but price. if you are buying something as a speculative investment, do you buy the coin that just 5x with no tech in a huge speculative bubble, or the coin that's been dipping for 3 months and just got huge upgrades with more to come literally within days?

the btc maximalism here is cancer.

>> No.3192716 [View]
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> btc has peaked and even goldman sachs predicts a crash to 3000 after failing to break $4500 multiple times

> btc has been pumped by 5x with fake tether so only 20% of people will be able to sell for real money if a bank run happens


> the death spiral attack from BCH is actually working and btc will have network failures every week for the rest of eternity


> blockstream is suing the segwit2x team using its segwit patents and luke-jr has confirmed the lightning network requires a monthly fee to be payed to blockstream

"HODL" is a fucking cult

>> No.3155292 [View]
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The reason for the current BTC token price being $4K is that no one can move their tokens to exchanges to sell. The network is literally faulting right now. IT'S OVER.

>> No.3141135 [View]
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> ath double top with expected retrace to $3000 based on technicals from goldman sachs
> the 5x pump was caused by fake tether and most won't be able to sell
> death spiral attack from south korea with network failure expected by monday
> core shitting itself and proposing ANOTHER fork to stop the attack
> segwit2x has 90% miner support so core is fucked regardless
> massive fud and panic across all uncensored social media outlets
> sell walls keep getting bigger and price keeps falling
> eth metropolis soon with possible flippening
> solar eclipse happening on black monday

let's presume, for the sake of argument, that i'm a paid shill, a racist nazi trump supporter, and pedophile. with character assassination of the way, can we have an HONEST discussion? i keep seeing the same poster call everyone a paid shill and spamming that a 90% loss in hash rate to segwit2x doesn't matter because of name recognition. if bitcoin has nothing going for it than name recognition, isn't that the textbook definition of fomo and makes it ripe for a black swan event?

>> No.3125823 [View]
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there's a lot of misinformation going around about segwit and segwit2x.

first, segwit2x isn't happening because the big blockers have already moved to bitcoin cash and another hard fork would kill the network. both r/btc and r/bitcoin agree on this fact.

second, segwit enables lightning networks, but those won't be available right away. so short term segwit doesn't actually speed up the chain much (it's estimated to be a 2x speed increase by itself). that speedup will evaporate in the next few months so it's not a scaling solution by itself.

as for lightning networks, they'll work like this in the future: first you buy some bitcoin off an exchange (most likely in the form of a smart contracts, which are in the bitcoin roadmap, so no government can pull KYC stuff) using some shitcoin like usd. the exchange is already part of a lightning network so you can get your funds and spend them immediately to buy stuff off amazon. however, it takes 2-3 weeks to move the coins into "cold storage" (which is roughly the same speed as physical gold so that's not too bad).

basically, all transactions any normie does happens instantly in an off chain smart contract that can't be fucked with by either party, then is settled on chain much later.

disclaimer: i'm long on eth/btc for about a quarter million dollars. i don't even like bitcoin and i'm literally shorting it right now but there's so much fucking fud that i felt i should set the record straight.

good luck bros, we will all make it. let's not fight among ourselves, all our coins can rise!

>> No.3116139 [View]
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i have 0 bitch coin and i think both chains are hard gay. but as an eth holder, i'm rooting for bitch coin to kill the king.

godspeed my bitch coin brothers. godspeed.

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