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>> No.56164964 [View]
File: 55 KB, 1120x750, 1679749509088847.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That (picrel) is the ONLY legit logarithmic curve in existence you absolute imbecile. Since it's simply BTC's price action on its logarithimic chart. All other "curves" people call "log curves" are just drawn by some human based on what he wants to see/show and have no relationship whatsoever with BTC's candles (aren't based on them) and cut straight through many candles.

> "draw two curved lines in a log chart"
>log chart
That's it. That's precisely it. The curve is BTC's log chart. Without the """lines""" the curve is still there, since it's BTC's price action, up to 2015, after which the market movers (whales) have always sold off at the top of the curve and bought in at the bottom -- thereby ensuring the top of the curve has remained the top price-wise (always a huge sell off event at or near the top of it) and that the bottom of the curve has remained the bottom price-wise (always a massive buying in at or near the bottom of it).

>> No.53198799 [View]
File: 55 KB, 1120x750, 1668843373898.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just in case -- this animation is for the newfags who aren't aware that the way Bitcoin's log curve looks today is the way it has looked since 2015 (the top boundary was established late 2013), also moar info: >>/biz/thread/52556773

>> No.52820971 [View]
File: 55 KB, 1120x750, 1663693136545.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A LOT worse, if BTC dumps below its own log curve -- see: https://archived.moe/biz/thread/52556773/

>> No.52556773 [View]
File: 55 KB, 1120x750, Doom or Bottom ? .gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A catastrophic hyper-crash of unfathomable proportions is coming if BTC falls lower than 15.5k (more certainly so below 15k) as it would be the first time in history the whales have allowed the price to move around outside of BTC's self-created log curve; hence BTC would enter an entirely new territory where there's no established whale-supported bottom boundary anymore. So far the whales have always bought in at the bottom of BTC's log curve thereby ending bear markets (and sold off at the top of the curve thereby ending bull markets), which has given the global market the confidence and sense of certainty the price wouldn't fall lower than a certain number during the violent near-bottom-of-log-boundary dumps; that number being 160 in Aug 2015, 1800 in Dec 2018, 3800 in Mar 2020, and in Nov 2022... 15.5k-15k. If this time the whales allow the price to go lower than the bottom boundary of BTC's log curve, then that particular confidence and sense of security disappears from the entire market. Including from the minds of the whales -- by always buying in at the bottom of the curve the whales themselves in effect also gave each other confidence and assurance; the whales who didn't buy the absolute bottom, they noticed the other whales who did; they saw what they were doing, they got the confirmation they needed, hence it gave them the confidence (after the absolute bottom) to likewise themselves join in and partake in the pumping hence the starting of the bull markets. So if the key big-player whales allow the price to go below BTC's log curve then the other whales, the majority of the whales, they'll have nothing to stand on; no confidence or assurance provided from their bigger whales bros; and they'll have no obvious place to buy in, no moment of "yeah, this is the bottom, let's go", and no bottom in sight. In other words; a new sense of uncertainty together with a fear previously many of them likely never felt. That's the meaning of an entirely new territory.

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