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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.13970131 [View]
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>> No.12917544 [View]
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eating ass is the greatest. none of the sour taste that pussy has. only ever eat either one immediately after a shower though. dirty ass or pussy is disgusting.

>> No.11740620 [View]
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Can't rape the willing, I'm pretty sure.

>> No.11733878 [View]
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I think the official [redacted] position is that the FED is Run by child raping pedophiles and scammers and the public are obese apathetic ignorant chronic masturbating fluorinated stupid fucks who are
complicit in and consent to their own slavery.

How can you talk about ideals like "freedom" when people are ready to bend over at the airport and take a TSA anal probe up their ass?

The reality is that most people are happy with their slavery and servitude.

You can talk about freedom all you want but as soon as you begin to step on people's toes and take concrete action, the will end up like Aaron Swartz.

The reality of the world is that people are living under a consortium of various armed criminal gangs. Those who are prepared to protect their fiefdoms and belief systems with force and violence will exsterminate and rule over those who are not.

Those who will not defend and struggle for their freedom, do not deserve it.

[redacted] makes no apologies for nature and merely does what it says it does. For the [redacted] project to free the slaves, would require [redacted] to change human nature (which is beyond the current scope of the software).

However "freedom aspiration" and liberation type marketing will be very effective. As long as people can make money doing it and as long as it is not too strenious and does not require them to do something. They can press a button, tweet furiously and download an app and wave their plastic freedom flags. While they dutifully submit to their weekly TSA anal search.

Comcast and Time Warner are the two most hated companies in America. They also have many politically powerful enemies who would like to see them cut at the knees.

>> No.11726754 [View]
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Its like a bunch of infertile, birth controlled sterilized white women, from rich families sitting around at a $60,000/year Ivy League school, driving $150,000 cars, going to the slut walk and screaming how empowered they are and then sitting in a circle telling each other how oppressed and triggered they are. "I was wearing yoga pants and I think some guy looked at my butt. Was I eye raped? I was so triggered that I was hospitalized. Then another guy was avoiding looking at my butt, when I was wearing yoga pants and I did not get the attention I wanted and I had micro aggressions."

I was on on Tumblr, when it first came out and I saw what people were posting and realized that Tumblr was the end of western civilization.

Then people started transforming into "Otherkin" and children started calling themselves "Dragonkin" and saying they were actually dragons and not humans. And that people who called them pronouns corresponding to their biological gender, were oppressing them. Then people started doing the fur suit thing, then in San Francisco we have some Lobster porn girl who makes rape videos of herself dressed as a lobster leading the Antifa riots against the Trump supporters.

I feel like I am living in Stanisław Lem's, Futurological Congress.

The society is sick and the majority of people are probably unable to use reason or come to any notion of truth at all. If the majority say 2+2=5 and 'up is down' they will probably just kill and lynch mob anyone who disagrees with them. They are human bio-robots, programmed by the mono-culture (now the nation state ideology under mass media and before religion).

>> No.11717078 [View]
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Watching people get things done and accomplish their goals, makes ther average person angry. Because they are impotent and do not have goals, are unable to take action and they have millions of excuses about why changing their miserable lives or improving their circumstances is impossible.

They retreat into marijuana, alchohol, pornograpy, drug use, masturbation, anti-depressants; escapism, television, MMOs, fantasy worlds; instead of confronting the fact that they are miserable because they are impotent and their suffering and misery is self-inflicted by their own choices.

Watching someone else succed or getting something done, brings them the greatest misery because then they are forced to confront that their their impotence and powerlessness is a result of their own actions and not the result of immutable, unchangable conditions of reality that they do not control.

"I deserve a lambo, but the white men/whites/jews/gypies/globalists/patriarchy/immigrants are holding me back." etc and they will start scapegoating and do anything but acknoledge their responsibility for their lives and the results of their actions.

Then they start buying books like "The Secret" and telling themselves that they "just have to imagine" what they want and they will get it, without having to get off their ass and do anything. "If I just keep sitting on the couch and drinking, and I just IMAGINE everything I want in life, the it will come to me. I dont have to change anything or do anything!" and they will realive themselves of responsibility for action.

"My life sucks. But once the world gets bad enough, jebus will return to the earth and save me. So I should just sit here and suffer, instead of trying to improve myself and I dont have to take action; because Jebus is coming."

ETC. Then when they see people at Skycoin, who just say "We are going to do this" and then three months later, we did what we said, they go into meltdown mode.

>> No.10121489 [View]
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>> No.9925488 [View]
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how do I turn $25k into a 2-3k/month income?

how do I start a business /biz/?
And what kind of business do I start?

>> No.9672735 [View]
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I wanted to shill this project that gets talked very little about, whenever I see portfolio's it is somehow absent. So here it goes, don't go to hard on me.


> Most trading pairs.
> Governments buy this coin over anything else
> Everybody, almost no exception uses it to buy alt-coins.
> Your mom knows about Bitcoin, your grandmom probably too.
> The only coin really worth for institutional players to manipulate.
> Only 21 million coins, of which millions likely have been lost forever.
> Due to small amounts being left on exchanges and change wallets it effectively has a burn function.

So why are you not holding this instead of alt-coins?
Do you like your satoshi value bleeding after every pump?
Do you really believe that the bull run will start on the handful of alts in between 1600+ you are holding?

>> No.9634554 [View]
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less than 400k people will be able to own >50 BCH

this makes them the new elite

>> No.9580940 [View]
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Its all over guys, Crypto is dead. We will have to live with the reality that most of us will have to wagecuck or somehow become comfy as a NEET without financial aspirations. Too bad, better luck next time. Just remember that money isn't everything.....it is, but not for you or me. We're both fucked anon.

> http://cryptofeels.net

>> No.9402704 [View]
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selfmade millionare, alpha as fok. has tons of friends who would die for him. gets tons of calls on christmas meanwhile i dont get shit.

i love him to death brahs and hes everything i wanna be but im already lagging behind so fking much at 23 that i wont ever even be 1/10.

and that does suck brahs. i wanted to make him proud.

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