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>> No.58438993 [View]
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>After all these years there is literally ZERO real life use case scenarios.
?????????????? KEK
one need only look at transactions worldwide to refute that claim. Obviously there are shitcoins that only live off of FOMO, but there are also Alt coins like SSNC, TRX, DAI that are quite functional.

>> No.58336381 [View]
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Orca is one option, 1Intro is another. SOL is currently going through a rough patch due to the problem it had with its platform and many of the projects based on its technology lost credibility, those that survive that have a good future ahead of them.

>> No.58148513 [View]
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as long as it does not go below 55K it will remain a profit for me and my BRC20 Tokens.

>> No.58118171 [View]
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>Stop dumping BTC

>> No.57861420 [View]
File: 227 KB, 378x429, 5403543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/biz/ humor
>not poojets shillin their eesee shit project

>> No.57712411 [View]
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it doesn't matter if elon has that shit in his possession, nft are dead and have no future in the crypto world. currently they are only worth it if you get them for free or buy them at a fraction of their value via Eesee.

>> No.56981004 [View]
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you should ask your mom, she might be able to talk to you about it.

>> No.56845239 [View]
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I am 100% sure that the second one will pass

>> No.56661358 [View]
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>kava is top 5
>still no $1 in sight
I am depressed.

>> No.56304627 [View]
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i dca 200 euros a week on kava, you lost 200 and go "its over" for fucking around and literally gambling. just learn from this.

>> No.55661578 [View]
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Well it is one of the first chains that proved that gas fees don't need to be excruciatingly large for things to work properly, so there's that.

>> No.55588766 [View]
File: 227 KB, 378x429, 16590563715456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(((FTX))) (((representatives))) """reported""" there to be a """"hack""""
>over $415M
Those wallets there better include the (((representatives')))

>> No.54688873 [View]
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NWC locked 30% of their supply to host a campaign encouraging people to buy and hold for 100 days to pump the coin for everyone. Not hard to understand my man

>> No.51195261 [View]
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>> No.51059380 [View]
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>retarded government
>can easily hide my my money by quietly placing it all into XMR
>nobody knows
Remember, best savings are ghost savings nobody know exist in the first place!

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