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>> No.57542565 [View]
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The 60's were a power transition, from WASP-controlled America to Jew-controlled America. LBJ's administration was the consummation of this. The """civil rights movement""" was just a cover for the introduction of their agenda. They switched immigration from white to brown, went all in on the brown/black vote, and opened up our trade to the world. They took control of women, pumped them into every workplace, and weaponized their vote and opinion as well. The machinations for everything bad now began then.

>> No.57384883 [View]
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LBJ and the 60's did untold damage to American society

>> No.55428327 [View]
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>No, the US is where it is because of free market capitalism being better than central planning in general.

I'm not advocating for that, retard. I'm asking to turn the wheel back like... 50 years. High domestic economic freedom, moderate international economic freedom. Foster a strong local economy and only use international trade to plug any gaps.

>Succeed at what? Making the most paper clips for another country? Is it better to be an economic slave for another nation rather than "unemployed"?

How is this a point? Yes it's better to work, contribute, earn, be a full participant in the nation's work and wealth.

How do you not realize that you're just reciting kiked ass talking points? Is this slow burn to mucky bullshit the country you want? We actually DID already find the sweet spot. It is entirely possible to realize an error and adjust. That's what good leaders do. We have terrible leaders.

>> No.29780014 [View]
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It's not them, it's the actions, the government intervention that's supposed to be positive but is frequently just more and more destructive, ignoring the real reason the entire time. Rather than going back and forth, back and forth, another min wage increase here, some more welfare there, some more public housing there, you could fix the root issue and uplift a solid chunk of the lower class outside of their perma impoverished station.

Fixing a system does much better things than playing micromanager with imperfect actors in the government.

>> No.25987857 [View]
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>> No.24485703 [View]
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>> No.24382153 [View]
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Jews. And I'm not memeing, I mean it.

>> No.23193465 [View]
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>> No.23130717 [View]
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Lmao, it's this. People don't realize how much the international elite (US included) do not want him in power. Look at how insane the social programming was this year. One week it's "everybody stay inside keep the economy shutdown", the next week it's "go outside protest and riot there's a dead black guy in Minnesota", same mouthpieces, days apart, masses following suit.

>> No.23084907 [View]
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And yet for all your haughty self righteousness you don't give him credit for being the first guy in 60 years to say it's time to stop and reverse this

>> No.22826589 [View]
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Nah. Stratified society just leads to gross amounts of corruption, inefficiency, low productivity. I mean, you can make it if you're planning on running a violent/illegal gang or operation anon. Otherwise say goodbye to social mobility.

>> No.22580556 [View]
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I don't think you know what we really want anon, I don't think you're even listening. You just want to pretend we're some kind of 30 year old 'murica cliche redneck rather than people working in the best interests of our citizens, especially the poorer working class. You on the other hand are a cancerous redditor useful idiot.

>> No.22329743 [View]
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>> No.22306525 [View]
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>> No.22241185 [View]
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The concept of flooding a country with people to supplant native workers and depress wages isn't new or hard to understand at all. With that said outsourcing has had a great impact

>> No.20448915 [View]
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>> No.20381803 [View]
File: 170 KB, 666x1299, 60sBestDecadeOfMyLife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit got really perverted in the 60's. People did live simpler back then though, budgets weren't full of so much shit.

>> No.19911565 [View]
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Let me start you in easy anon. Let's talk about the paradigm shift American politics went through after the 60's, and why we're in the state of affairs we're in today.

>> No.19841903 [View]
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The US economy has traditionally been protectionistic with regards to international economics, which we cannot control, only mitigate and defend against. A free economy is important domestically but people were never under the false impression that could work globally as well since others can easily take advantage of and subvert that for their own gain.

The federal government is given the duty to protect America from the rest of the world, military wise AND economically, and they've failed to hold up their end of the bargain for a solid 50 years now.

>> No.19791323 [View]
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Right anon it was all, heh, automation and cheap workers! Totally not active subversion of American trade and immigration protections that were holding up the average American worker citizen as the fundamental pillar of society.

Sure we went ahead and jacked up regulations on production and wages, and then opened up the floodgates to other countries that can severely undercut those thresholds, but it isn't our fault, and it can't be fixed!

>> No.19791001 [View]
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Yes they are. It's exactly how this country functioned while it was seeing a meteoric economic rise from 1900-1960. Stop buying establishment kool-aid anon, you're getting sold out by powerful, internationalist businessmen.

>> No.19663469 [View]
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There's a difference between someone's individual character and the policies they institute anon. Reagan->GHWB->Clinton->GWB->Obama all put on a great face, were great actors, presented as stand up men, but if you examine their greater economic policy they perpetuated the process of selling out the United States to the world on immigration and trade.

It took a bullheaded, egotistical outsider to break the establishment, 2-party monopoly on that. They tear at him constantly to this day and are willing to push in a quite literally senile crony lifer to get him out. Don't get caught up in minutiae like "what was Donald Trump doing in the 1970's" when the bigger issue is how we're going to adjust on an economic and geopolitical basis.

>> No.19617182 [View]
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What exactly are you trying to say here? Life was a lot harder, this was a faster growing country, but welfare didn't exist. They had nothing else to rely on and many lived like shit. Spam, ketchup sandwiches, campbell's soup, these were the staples back then not fucking McDonald's.

Do I think we're overloading this country with too many people vs. amount of available work for lower class earners? Yes anon, yes I do. We need to fix that, for the sake of EVERYBODY already in this country.

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