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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.58160797 [View]
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Oracles are an outdated narrative nobody pays attention to. Nobody will waste time researching it when AI is now the hottest thing and will remain that way just like Bitcoin and the "store of value" narrative, for the time being. Link is dead in the water, they are barely alpha testing their only product in years, no hype and only empty promises behind to keep it running.

Yes, I'm an ex "le epic #LinkMarine" and yes I regret holding for as long as I did. Solded to play Solana while I wait for Satoshisync and other BTC-focused projects to come out. Maybe there's some potential behind the BTCFi movement, Inscribe and other platforms like sync did find solid success in the past.

>> No.58088301 [View]
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I think you better off doing traditional biz anon, invest in housing or real state, truflation data indicates nows the time to do it, since prices will soar in a few years. your welcome.

>> No.57947420 [View]
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>> No.57898312 [View]
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>buy $LRDS
>2x my money
>realizes that i could 2x without investing any money, just playing the fucking game

why is life like this

>> No.57747595 [View]
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Just a heads up your gf started thinking with who she's going to cheat on you immediately after you told her that. No seriously this is not a snarky post I'm legitimately telling you the truth of your situation.

Sell your Internet Computer, dump your girlfriend, start anew. You are in danger.

>> No.56894063 [View]
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why are you so fucked what shitcouns did they rug you with op kek

>> No.56765812 [View]
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im looking forward to whatever arbitrum does next.

>> No.56724797 [View]
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wow the shitcoin only shilled here on biz by using photoshopped underaged anime girls with a rainbow pedo signalling sweater turned out to be bought by a handful of degenerates and literally nobody else. who could've imagined. certainly not you, stupid cunt.
so much good shit out right now doing numbers or about to release and you fall for THIS. think about that.

>> No.56685111 [View]
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Oh no don't tell me...... you're saying that the working wagie class is just giving away all their money to the 1% in many different ways??? no fucking way dude I cant fucking believe this shit

>> No.55589924 [View]
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99% sure sergey is involved in them choosing their product over binance's or gns. this could be p big for both if arkham doesnt sink in its first two months of being out there in the market.

>> No.55392114 [View]
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anon I think it's time to give up on this

>> No.54541791 [View]
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Let's have an actual useful thread here for once
Here we share sites that we find useful for all kinds of business related aspects.
I'll share some on my first bump, I have a few that's been very handy for market forecasts and screening. But here's a catch, I'm also after some myself, namely, I need a good site where i can find all kinds of business contract templates. hope you fags can help;
Sales contracts, commercial agency contracts, the lot.

>> No.54495934 [View]
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Any anons in sales?
How does your company/company you wageslave for creates interest when you're offering services as a commercial agent/middle man?
I've been trying to look into it, but it's all just marketing jargon, saying a lot without telling you anything..
Ideas, anons?

>> No.54433795 [View]
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explain this to me like I'm retarded

>> No.52309833 [View]
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>> No.50866671 [DELETED]  [View]
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members of the 500lb tranny frenship league are very sensitive please understand

>> No.50248711 [View]
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I see this shit more useful for fitness kind of ecotourism games and walking simulators, not fucking WOW raids with fortnite mechanics.

Most of meta are investors first, but not a single game developer on their designer team.

Meta would be sucessfull if they made some historical larping VR chat kind of ecotourism app to visit other countries IRL monuments and historical periods and natural marvels with some prerendered Wii era RE1 remake backgrounds.

Not a crappy showelware of games.

>> No.30171796 [View]
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can someone tell me how crypto can be used in the future and were "early"?

i dont doubt it i just cant wrap my head around it. ive run an online business before and paypal and cashapp kicked the shit out of btc and ltc in every way. i would like to see crypto more normalized like where normies using it dont even see satoshis they just see the dollar amount and easy to figure out and theres a different system besides copying in a string of letters and praying to god its right when you send it because its fucking scary when you first start and with the high fees you dont wanna fuck around with it too much.

can someone tell me how its the future? like even if it gets faster and theres no complication and it works the same as cashapp and shit hows it going to replace it? and once it gets like that governments arent gonna let you send or do shit without submitting your SSN, name, ID and personal info

i can see the use of it in finances like the fact you can lend, borrow stake, etc and cut the banks out and make money from your own money, im just trying to see how its the future. is stuff like fantom with no fees and instant sends part of it becoming the future?

>> No.29878190 [View]
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this game fucking sucks

>buy gme early around 20-30 bucks a share
>it starts going fucking bat shit
>THEY shut down trading have to sell
>buy fantom early
>making a shit load of money every day making thousands of dollars every day
>THEY fuck up the entire network and it shuts down
>i have to sell before it drops

it feels like im just playing a fucking game of chicken every day where im driving a car in front of a brick wall and i have to jump out by the skin of my dick before the car fucking explodes

>> No.28683374 [View]
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is alt season really not finished yet?

people keep saying it hasnt even started. im a newfag and i put 1k in a coin and made like 4k off it and i kinda wanna just sell because thats what i was always do because i dont wanna be the dumbfag who made some cash then watched it bleed to 0 getting greedy.

should i hold this shit or what?

>> No.28377982 [View]
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>put $200 in avax
>wake up
>i made up $120

why dont people do this? i made a wagie paycheck just by taking a nap. wagies wake up at 6 drive to a factory do back breaking labor for 8 hours around people they hate and then drive another 30 minutes home every day for less than this.

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