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>> No.16596592 [View]
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Hallo Frens,

ich bin mir sicher es gibt noch ein paar ausgewiesene Finanzexperten die den aktuellen Bullenmarkt nutzen um etwas Euronen dazu zu verdienen.

Wir sollten hier etwas netzwerken und unsere Expise zusammen einsetzen um den Markt zu besiegen.

Ich persönlich bin ein Bulle und habe heute bei etwa 400 Euronen verdient mit meinem Shortsell bei 6650.
Das ist nicht viel aber ich bin nicht gierig. Der stete Tropfen höhlt den Stein.

>> No.16458157 [View]
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after that i still pay 19% VAT on everything ( 7% in food ), like 80% additional taxes on fuel, energy, gas , is the highest in europe.

this is legal theft and you cucks complain about "only earning 100k" while paying 28% taxes or even less while you can rent out an apartment 20 miles away from orlando florida or houston.

i don´t know man why are you muricans complaining?
every job is payming almost twice as good while paying almost no taxes.

>> No.16059317 [View]
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>be 30 years old
>no debts or anything
>stable job, stable income
>save up a good amount of money
>buy crypto and gold
>go to bank and get a credit
>take the credit out buy gold and silver
>say to bank i gambled everything away im bankrubt
>go for private involvency

they can´t do anything about it.
you just have to wait for 7 years and you are debt free.
income can´t be taken away from you if its under 1100€ by law.
just live 7 years with cash and your reserves you saved up from before and after that you got that big bag from the bank.

banks can´t do anything about it just burrow the gold and silver somewehre.
they can´t put u in jail or something because it the banks own fault if they give money to people they can´t trust.

>> No.15682783 [View]
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>age 17-24: ~ 5000€
>age 25-34: ~ 23000€
>age 35-44: ~ 62000€
>age 45-55 ~ 112000€
>age 55-64 ~ 125000€

What went wrong?

>> No.15653272 [View]
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>sei ich 29 Jahre
>Geschlechtsverkehr mit einer Frau
>Sie hatte nie einen Anderen war Jungfrau
>100% Deutsches Blut
>Schwiegereltern haben Bauernhof und hunderte Hektar Land
>mfw Freundin hasst Bauernhof und will nichts damit zu tun haben
>mfw ältere Schwester übernimmt Bauernhof und bekommt 100%

etzalat selbst Rainer mehr Land als

>> No.14931017 [View]
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i was having the idea to get two "luxury" ( more like decent quality high class ) cars and rent them out hour wise.

if you buy a used mercedes amg for like 50.000€ and maybe a used nissan gtr for 50.000€.

you basically have to rent both 4x a month for 250€ and get to 12.000€ a year.
of course you wouldn´t make high profits but you pay off nice cars with that in 4-5 years.

how come that this isn´t more common and people do it?
even if you have to register everything and make it legal you would be able to have nice cars and pay them off by renting them out no?

am i a brainlet and missing something?

>> No.14094819 [View]
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Meddl Loide

lets do some brainstorming here.
Imagine someone has 10.000$ worth of Bitcoin at some exchange, for example Binance.

When this person trades his Bitcoin to USDC, sends this USDC to coinbase and waits 1year.
After 1 year the person sells the USDC for Eurobucks and sends his Eurobucks to his bank account.

There will be no taxes right?

Or does the person need to pay 25% taxes on capital gains?

>> No.13263070 [View]
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>hide all your assets
>pro tipp: gambling addiction
>250€ per lifeyear of savings allowed
>7500€ worth car allowed
>hold silver/gold/cash/crypto
>do not use a bank account
>use other people for bank transfers
>use other people to get liquidated ( gold/crypto )
>even if you are wealthy, don´t show off , wagies are becoming more and more irrational they might kill you one day
>be productive
>have a routine every day
>do sports, do read
>if you get bored, do schwarzarbeit
>don´t fall for the mmorpg meme, maybe just play free games, or privat servers
>masturbate not more than once a week
>homosexuality is not reccon but if so, try to get a rich husband, maybe use condoms the first three dates.
>make sure you show up at arbeitsagentur if they call
>make sure you do all the typos and always send bad CVs to the job offers you get

did i forgot something?

>> No.13232384 [View]
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lets say i save up some money.

german law says, that you only get neetbux if you dont have more than 250€ of savings for each year you lived.
so 30 years = 7500€ savings.
You also can´t own a car which is more worth than 7500€.

lets say i save up 50.000€ and i pull it off the bank slowly but surely in a period of 2 years, maybe even fake some expenses.

if somebody later asks where is all the money i say
>regular lottery

>gib neetbux naow

they have to believe me right?
do they can cockblock me because they think i have hidden money?
i would also buy silver , gold, and the rest is hidden in cash.

who would stop me?

isn´t this the way how mohammed and his terrorists do it?

>> No.12681202 [View]
File: 226 B, 226x136, de.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo if got a specific stockmarket tax question.

basically the german tax system allows you to earn 800€ a year from stock profits.

if i hodl for 5 years. can i split my profits to each year, or do i have to pay 25% taxes even when i didn´t reach 800€ every year.

to make an example, if i hodl a 1000€ stock 5 years, and it is worth 2000€ in year 5, do i have to pay 50€ tax because we are 200€ over 800€ or do i not have to pay because the years before also counts and i basically on made 1000€ profit which is only 200€ per year, if you take all the time into account?

>> No.12154892 [View]
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>Die Wohneigentumsquote ist in Deutschland verglichen mit den meisten anderen europäischen Ländern und den USA relativ gering, in den Jahren 1993 bis 2010 aber von 38,8 % auf 45,7 % gestiegen. Die absolute Zahl der Wohneigentümer hat sich dabei jedoch nicht wesentlich erhöht, die Zunahme wird vor allem mit einem Kohorteneffekt erklärt. Danach sind in den betreffenden Jahren vor allem ältere Mietergenerationen weggefallen.

>The home ownership rate in Germany is relatively low compared to most other European countries and the US, but increased from 38.8% to 45.7% in the years 1993 to 2010. However, the absolute number of homeowners has not increased significantly and the increase is explained above all by a cohort effect. According to this, older generations of tenants in particular have ceased to exist in the years in question.

>> No.12143740 [View]
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>The median net income of the German population in 2017 was 1666 euros per month


>> No.8032531 [View]
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>> No.7057629 [View]
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thoughts on bitcoin.de?
Anything bad wort to mention?
I mean when you plan to not fuck around with Finanzamt it is pretty ok right?

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