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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.54285122 [View]
File: 192 KB, 1080x1514, ECE90030-647E-40BC-ADDF-98CBF5129CE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and meanwhile ponzimarines will wait on ccip to flop same time next year. They say link will moon out of nowhere as it bleeds sats for years now. Partnerships were a lie, smartcon was a joke, new tech is always delayed. HR roasties paid 400k/yr to do nothing. Linkpool rugged and sergey hires the rugger to the team, what happened to all the linkpool shillers, absolute radio silence, but i mean people like me and unc were warning you idiots after it go found out that mat beale the confounder of a ponzi token ontop of a ponzi token was a coked out retard who immediately dump his entire linkpool stack moments after being terminated. Moab rugged to zero after sergeys scrubbed tweet, chainlink funds managed by khater a literal pornwhore. What the fuck was king bigmax thinking kek? Oh thats right, quantitative eating kek! Adelyn failed at marketing. Celsius partnership was cataclysmic, didn't anyone ever listen to the podcast with flannelman and mashinsky? Sergey was shilling celsius like there was no tomorrow and guess what celsius rugged, took everything and ran just like the plan was from the start. Sergey even had SBF put on shilling how great a guy he was topkek. Notice a pattern here? Sergey shills scams they dump and he shills another scam and they rug yet again. The psyop was from the start to shill this to biz to keep his own personal dumps afloat. Now why was biz targeted, well sergey is jewish and hates all the antisemites here so obviously he would want to fuck over anyone here he can, look at how many jews he's partnered with and exitscammed, and the ponzimarines here won't notice any type of pattern whatsoever, but if that same pattern is being deployed en masse in a shrewd way with muh secret coin that will skyrocket because of fintech usecase heres some breadcrumbs then the ponzimarines will gladly take a swan dive off the rooftops to bag up on more useless tokens that have been cratering for years. ICO prices eoy

>> No.53545659 [View]
File: 192 KB, 1080x1514, D260E01E-C056-4B7A-B43D-F461131C24AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well lets take a look at what happened in 2019 vs now

>optimism among holders
>legit discussion about the project
>main net
>og holders still accumulating since ico
>price discovery
>green candles everywhere
>barely any sergey dumps
>bright future roadmap
>minimal scam partnerships

>zero optimism, only deluded optimistic newfags
>no real discussion about the project
>staking flops
>all og holders out of the project
>price in the sewer lines
>red candles, outperformed by everything in the most recent bull cycle
>sergey dumps daily further cratering price
>nonexistent roadmap, no real tech on the horizon
>endless scam partnerships and endorsements
>moab exitscam promoted by official tweeter
>bancor exitscam promoted by sergey
>celsius exitscam promoted by sergey, even sergey loses millions
>blockfi exitscam promoted by the devs
>ftx ponzi promoted by sergey hosting sbf at smartcon
>linkpool rugpull promoted by sergey right out the gates as soon as it went live, kept shilling the partnership for years right up until the rug hires ceo of linkpool johnny to the chainlink labs team immediately after the successful rug
>larps of fake collabs with amazon, google, apple, swift, traditional finance and many other legitimate businesses all proven to be lies promoted by the chainlink marketing team

At this point if you’re still in shitlink i dont know what to say. What does king bigmac need to do to show you light, the light obviously being that he’s a fraud and a con artist? How many more blatant scam partnerships does he need to promote? How many more times do holders need to get rugged? You can see it in the price itself. You’ve got to be delusional to have not sold at this point. I just got off the phone with my guy at JPM. SEC arrests are imminent, they might catch sergey before he flees off to the 3rd world with millions. Should’ve listened to me when I called the top at $50. This is going to sub ico guaranteed. Got a flight to catch soon.

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