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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.24084229 [View]
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>use company toilet
>leave skid marks in the bowl and shit all over the toilet seat
>decide to piss all over the floor and on the toilet paper dispenser
>throw the toilet brush in the sink on my way out
>realise that I don't work here and I'm unemployed

>> No.23193552 [View]
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>> No.22968749 [View]
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Here I'll help you since you're shaking so hard with rage you can't even select which post you're replying to, kek.
>So you've never seen this question asked every few hours in all your time here?
Why does this thread make you seethe so much? Is it because you're a female with a dried up snatch? Looks like I touched a nerve.
>Or you're paid to be here and have to push some agenda lol
Take your meds, roast beef.

>> No.22893392 [View]
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Bitch, I got dat COMFY

>> No.22602988 [View]
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Comfy is the comfiest investment possible.
You're all going to cry when you'll watch the next big green dildo, thinking that you could have been early, but wasted that opportunity.

>> No.22442178 [View]
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if you huff his farts long enough i'm sure he'll give you some money anon

>> No.21955694 [View]
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Uh oh the cracks are starting to show in your posts, schizo. I've posted bonafide evidence and makes you look like an imbecile, that contradicts everything you're seething about. Keep get tangled up in your own ramblings now that you've been stumped. How does it feel to be so mad?
Didn't read, stay mad samefag.


>> No.21517843 [View]
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Imagine parroting the marxist doctrine of 'false consciousness' whilst accusing others of being socialists, not once but twice.
Imagine being unable to consider anti semitism without automatically and unconsciously associating it to the most heavily propagandised movement in history that hasn't existed for 80 years.
Imagine believing that god exists without even considering the possibility that you're wrong merely because that is how you were raised.
Imagine doing all that and still 'thinking' that you're immune to psyops.
Eat shit you zogged out NPC golem.

>> No.21485187 [View]
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>One of his "larps" came true already.
No it didn't. Oil crashed, that was it. So he was wrong.
>The second one is going to come through
No evidence posted (what a surprise). So you base the entirety of what you are saying on people posting 'super sekrit insider info' on /biz/? Amazing.
>it's already in the news.
Talk of a digital dollar? Why do you assume that is going to be XRP?

>> No.19744690 [View]
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>I was merely helping to explain the conversation to the low verbal iq brainlets.
Imagine calling me low IQ when YOU'RE the floor dribbler who hasn't even read the thing that he is defending, the person that you are speaking for also wasn't even insinuating the LARPs were real necessarily btw, just that XRP has a lot of connections to people in high places, evident by the fact that he agreed when I replied that if you invest based upon a LARP, you're a fucking idiot who deserves to lose your money, because he must have mistakenly assumed I was calling XRP worthless when in fact I was calling the LARPs worthless.
>You have no idea the shit I've seen anon. This is a strange place.
This is not an argument, not surprised you backpedalled and didn't even bother to defend any of the points you made in this reply but instead come back with some flimsy ad hom and some gay, edgy esoteric one liner. You're cringe and got exposed for being a retard, pipe down.

>> No.19645043 [View]
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>woman bends over
>asshole and pussy exposed
You've quite literally never had sex in your life.

>> No.19358904 [View]
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>Yeah, how can I benefit from it though?
Don't get any mandatory vaccines they try to give you, you'll definitely benefit from doing that.

>> No.19342260 [View]
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Hmm where have I heard that before? Uh oh yeah from stinky linkers. Screencapping this so I can post it EOY to laugh at you.

>> No.19320383 [View]
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>Replying to people seeking my kingly admiration
>*Pie in your face, POWWWWW!*

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