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>> No.54643258 [DELETED]  [View]
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"Silver is running out, it's rare and getting rarer, and someday it will stop being mined.

This won't be due to any lack of demand, but rather due to a lack of energy and lack of high grade ore.

Just as the Bronze Age civilizations (and the Romans after them) relied on energy resources (wood/charcoal) which became increasingly difficult to source; the present day civilization relies primarily on hydrocarbons, which are also becoming increasingly difficult to source.

Ultimately there is an energy cliff, where the return on investment reaches 1:1 ... one barrel of oil used to retrieve one barrel of oil.

Nuclear energy may extend this process somewhat, but not forever; because uranium and other nuclear fuel are limited, and more to the point, silver, copper, zinc, lead, and other commodities needed for the electrification of industries will also run out.

Civilizations of the past left their lands deforested and their soils degraded, requiring centuries to recover.

This present day civilization is depleting energy and metal resources all over the planet; and without the intricate supply chains and cheap abundant energy, there will be much less metals mining in the future, possibly none.

The process is inevitable and irreversible, so why not speed things up a bit and welcome the collapse... Stack Silver and ride out the chaos like an Aryan charioteer... don't become complacent or demoralized and think that this globohomo world order will go on forever... build up a hoard of physical silver so that when the ponzi scheme comes crashing down, you will inherit the dropped loot of our vanquished enemy."

@SilverStackerSS https://t(dot)me/SilverStackerSS/1223

>> No.54594071 [View]
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>> No.54591204 [View]
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