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>> No.28381715 [View]
File: 94 KB, 511x764, Shemhamphorash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You still don't get it. It is all about Order out of Chaos


216 is the 3 x 72 The Shemhamphorash is also called the 72 fold name. Tradition has it that Moses said this name to part the waters of the red sea.

In total these three lines have 216 letters and each line is composed of 72 letters. The Golden Dawn and Aleister Crowley followed a method first described by Rashi to divide the verses into 72 parts. They took the middle line (line 20) and reversed it, then took a letter from each line to create a three lettered name of an angel or messenger:

ויס עמל אךה אלה יםה הלך לפנ ימח נהי שרא לוי לךמ אחר יהם ויס עעמ ותה ענן מפנ יהם ויע מתמ אחר יהם
הלי להל כהז לאה זבר קאל והל ילה תאר איו ךשח הון נעה יהי ולא רשי הנח מןי בום ירצ מהנ חמן יבא ביו
ויט משה אתי דוע להי םוי ולך יהו האת הים ברו חקד יםע זהכ להל ילה ויש םאת הים לחר בהו יבק עוה מים

>Shemhamphorash! all hail, divided Name!
>Utter it once, O mortal over-rash!-
>The Universe were swallowed up in flame

> Nor deem that thou amid the cosmic crash
>May find one thing of all those things the same!
>The world has gone to everlasting smash.

>No! if creation did possess an aim (It does not.) it were only to make hash
> Of that most "high" and that most holy game,

There are three consecutive verses in the Pentateuch, each containing 72 letters of the Tetragrammaton; this is the great and mysterious Divided Name; by adding the terminations Yod He, or Aleph Lamed, the names of 72 Angels are formed.
The Hebrews say that by uttering this Name the
universe is destroyed. This statement means the same as that of the Hindus, that the effective utterance of the name of Shiva would cause him to awake, and so destroy the universe.

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