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>> No.16004925 [View]
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You don't feel anything because you spend ever waking moment of your life utilizing some form of stimulation. Tell me this, when was the last time you felt boredom? Not ennui, not malaise, not stagnation - but boredom? It's probably been years, and that's the problem.

Your neurons are so fried from constant bombardment from porn, streaming, youtube, spotify, etc - plus extremely flavored foods and drinks, drugs, as well as the 24/7 news cycle... Well you get the picture.

You have to find the discipline to unplug. Meditation, outdoors activities. Spend time in contemplation, or just allow yourself to be bored, or even uncomfortable. Then the happy juice will adjust itself naturally to what it should be.

>> No.15921037 [View]
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If all you want to do is chill and smoke weed then law probably isn't for you, unless you think working 60 hours a week for ten years is chill. You sound like a good student, but probably not T14 material, which means you'll be going to a second rate law school. You'll have at least $150k in debt, and a long, hard road to pay it back.

The ultimate question here is do you have a passion for law? If you're ambivalent, which it sounds like you are, the answer is probably no. Law will probably be suicide fuel for you. Can you see yourself doing it for 10 years? 20? What about if you get married and have kids - then you're locked in it and you won't be able to switch careers at that point.

Why not pivot your philosophy degree toward something actually interesting. Look into a doctorate in psychology. You'll get paid for your work, and new avenues are opening up in the field of psychedelic therapy for PTSD veterans and rape victims. It's actually fascinating work and you'll be contributing to the species. You can successfully smoke weed and chill and call it 'professional research.'

Law isn't what you see in the shows. You're not gonna be Billy Bob from Goliath. You're going to be doing shit like spending four years of your life working on a pharmaceutical company's merger with another pharmaceutical company. The only money you get is from people who have a vested interest in fucking over society, because they're the only ones who can afford high-tier lawyers.

Do what you want, anon, but going to law school because you have nothing better to do is a mistake. I know it sounds cliche, but do what you love. Or at the very least, something you can stand.

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