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>> No.23210563 [View]
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>> No.23195521 [View]
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>China owns 2/3rd of USD and can easily nullify its value
> Africa will be modernly imperialized by China bringing it cheap but modern infrastructure with nothing in return but trade agreements and resource mining. Africa in turn will become a great economic force in hands of the Chinese.
Nice fantasy, Chang. Maybe you could even get it greenlit by Netflix.
The reality is the PLA has zero combat experience and would get crushed by the superior US/Japanese/Taiwanese/SK alliance that would be formalized the moment a single piece of Mainland munitions lands on Taiwanese soil.
The war would last one week before the Mainland balkanizes and I get to visit the newly liberated Country of Bashu to fuck your women while gorging on Mapo Tofu.
lmao Li Keqiang just said last month that 600 million of the CCP slave population lives on less than 140 USD a month.
a month
Fucking LOL!

>> No.21736546 [View]
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Already back in fiat, faggot.

>> No.20430524 [View]
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Fuck off Chang

>> No.19816464 [View]
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Enjoy your gutter oil, Chang

>> No.19464626 [View]
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>> No.18591973 [View]
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>Imagine fucking the communism out of her

>> No.18513234 [View]
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No more chink products for me. Doing my own research before buying to get other options.

>> No.18467891 [View]
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In your dreams Chang

>> No.18278028 [View]
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kys Chang the civilized world is coming for you

>> No.18190113 [View]
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The mainland is shit and many of the people that live and come from there are shitty people because of their abusive relationship with their government, but Taiwanese and Hong Kongers are cool people.
If one day the mainlanders manage to kill their abusers I'll have some respect for them, but not until then. This whole "the people and the government are different" meme is bullshit. I make an exception for mainlanders who openly shit-talk their government, but as for the 98% of NPCs who either have no opinion or spout the party line... fuck 'em

>> No.18089114 [View]
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Shut up Chang. The Mainland is a hell scape devoid of culture. Taiwan is the true heir to high Han culture.

>> No.18085305 [View]
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Fuck off Chang, we'll be just fine.
Enjoy showing your tri-color code to and getting you temperature taken by strangers just to go on a walk in your filthy rat city

>> No.18061796 [View]
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Contribootin. Fuck commies btw

>> No.18015912 [View]
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>t. salty Chinaman who is upset that his women crave non-bugman dick
Must suck to be a cucked little drone with such a massive chip on your shoulder

>> No.16827584 [View]
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>thinking anyone would ever trust the chinks despite the dearth of good options
Oh sweetie

>> No.16704757 [View]
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The American engineers and scientists scientists who enjoyed champagne in their Jacuzzis also invented almost all the shit you're currently using to ignorantly smear their culture.
Individualism means the freedom to do stupid shit, but it also promotes true excellence. You can't have one without the other which is why nothing truly excellent currently comes from China. Collectivism kills the individual soul.

>> No.16675064 [View]
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>He thinks the last pogrom in human history is already in the past

>> No.16515223 [View]
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The CCP is top-heavy with paranoid boomers who never got a decent education. They will collapse. The HK protests are just the beginning. Those in this thread who say the chinks can't overthrow their rulers need to study their chink history. When the people realize that economic stagnation is setting in its game over.

>> No.16409727 [View]
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>> No.16373139 [View]
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I am tired of this lifestyle, but I will never quit biz!

>> No.16083399 [View]
File: 171 KB, 1024x693, E763FACB-E3A0-47B6-81C4-161BD2C4CC5F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kill the men
>steal the women
Chinese women are for breeding

>> No.15844730 [View]
File: 171 KB, 1024x693, 5CDB9F51-F32A-41D8-8244-FA0D1B6E18F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Time to kill all the men and steal their women

>> No.15694275 [View]
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>pussy problem
What pussy problem?

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