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>> No.55197586 [View]
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Im 24 yo and prolly a little schizo
Made 6figs of crypto and lost it, dropout, all I have left is my bike, honestly only need money for gas and something to eat
I don’t even want to make all my money back again to be honest. The drive of becoming a millionaire isnt not there. Worked a job that’s pretty high up before and feel I am too good for Burger King wagie

What the fuck do I do

>> No.55192035 [View]
File: 504 KB, 1125x926, IMG_7335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im 24 yo and prolly a little schizo
Made 6figs of crypto and lost it, dropout, all I have left is my bike, honestly only need money for gas and something to eat
I don’t even want to make all my money back again to be honest. The drive of becoming a millionaire isnt not there. Worked a job that’s pretty high up before and feel I am too good for Burger King wagie

What the fuck do I do

>> No.55121816 [View]
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I‘m a NEET again. Worked as a sales rep for a year before. Neeted before that,
I’m 24 yo Uni dropout still hasn’t been on a date with a girl

Is it over ? I have nothing and pay bills with my credit card now
Planning ahead my life gives me crippling depression, thinking about signing up for classes again
My life is done

>> No.55113103 [View]
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Is elevator technician a comfy job to do? Flying overseas doing installations making bread

>> No.55043559 [View]
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Is getting an escort for your 24 yo birthday a good financial decision?

If asked out a girl before so it’s not that I have not tried

>> No.54964759 [View]
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> buy motorcycle because I thought it may lead me getting laid
> cryptobearmarket happens.jpeg
> sold all my belongings including car besides my bike
> drive everywhere with it at highway speed
> develop buzzing & tinitus in my ear being in my early 20s

How to profit off of this?

>> No.54875324 [View]
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I have asked out the cute chick that wanted to fill in with my other roommate moving out

I’m 23yo handholdless, this was my only chance in life. I know it a chance like this will never happen again
I never had social media and I never got matches ever
Atleast i can tell my parents I tried

>> No.54811726 [View]
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Is pursuing girls dead in 2023?
If she ghosts you, there could be a slight percentage she didn’t see your text and hasn’t self worth enough to initiate again?
I mean doubling down is a thing from last century right

>> No.54734482 [View]
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Im 23 yo
I wish I had a gf when I was 19 or 20
How do I live with that

>> No.54615506 [View]
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I’m 23 yo, at my last job I had 20 coworkers. It was a commission based job and the owner and 2 manager sacked all of the money
I got experience tough with is worth a lot. I actually got a taste of agency and being a human. This is invaluable for me

I dropped out of college because it infantilizes you that much it literally created 90% of my autism. The whole school system did really

I talked with guys in a trade and they basically get ghosted by all girls for it and they don’t take them serious for at least 4 years
I talked with guys in the military and they tell me you could join 10-15 years ago but don’t advice me to do it now
What happened to all of this

>> No.54381811 [View]
File: 504 KB, 1125x926, 8A91C79B-9AFA-4BDA-B45D-B2311943C59B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m turning 24 years old and I wish I am lying but spend the last 7 years being buckbroken about girls
Grew up lost and isolated and in my head I detrimented and hated myself so much for low self esteem. Everything I did , gym, work, school etc. was solely fueled by this only

3 weeks I ago I met a girl, hugged her, asked her out, texted her
I was nervous but this faded, next day I couldn’t grasp what I was nervous about. The romanization is gone. I’ll just have to repeat this when the situation offers itself

I feel like I am not depressed anymore. I feel like I forgave myself
At the same time I don’t have any motivation or appeal to do anything anymore. What for? Why stress at work? Why stress at university? I don’t even really have a need to pursue girls
Why do anything now. Self hate was the fuel for things that didn’t even matter for me

>> No.54365869 [View]
File: 504 KB, 1125x926, 07823FCE-FBF4-47E3-B168-4906F1DD7C21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoomer girls in their Air forces and baggy cargos, will fuck you if you just impress them with a house or something. Hitting on their vape they will clumsily give you access to their slim, soft skin, thin waist, fertile hips body
While their male counterparts turn into incels, can’t get grip in their life and add to the statistic

Zoomer girls will eventually get adults, age worse, get into positions of power grow more jaded to be replaced and succeeded by another generation
There is something fundamentally black pilling about this for society as a whole

>> No.54340125 [View]
File: 504 KB, 1125x926, B85988C6-9349-4602-B407-CFD2AE717BB8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am turning 24 this year and quit my job because I am incapable of going through the concept of holidays and asking for it
At 21 years old, I had 140,000usd in my portfolio but I lost it
It’s the same with college, I just quit
I can’t ask for a leave from my manager because instead of thinking what to do in my holidays like my coworkers, I fear what my manager will yell at me for asking
I overcame the outer part social skills related character flaw with this
But my life constitutes of dissociated because I can’t needs like a normal human first
What now idk

>> No.54190942 [View]
File: 504 KB, 1125x926, 207DED0A-93FE-4ACD-99C6-01AA2E4156AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im turning 24yo and life seems so fucking flat and dull
After achieving some goals, I realized everything is just boring, continuity of tries over and over again. Knowing that I have to apply this to anything else every appeal is lost

I was the happiest when I was an incel at 17-18yo in my basement, and just the anticipation of my perfect life, kept me so much dopamine for day dreaming even tough my life was shit objectively
Nothing in real life has come close to that even the slightest

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