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>> No.8508858 [View]
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>Are you seriously asking me to define words for you? You can Google the definition yourself.
For the context of the discussion you fucking idiot. Literally every action taken by a human can be described as a 'behavior'. So yes I'm asking you to define it.

Is time preference a behavior trait? Higher IQ people are more frugal, less impulsive, save more money, etc
Unsurprisingly blacks save very little and spend lots of money on frivolities.

What is aggression a behavioral trait? Blacks have much higher rates of carrying the so called "warrior gene" which is a huge predictor of violent crime.
Unsurprisingly blacks are massively overrepresented in the violent criminal population.

>Even Charles Murray will tell you, you would be foolish to make assumptions about intelligence of an individual based on race, there's more variation within races than between them etc
Obviously every individual is just a piece of the bell curve. Some blacks are incredibly intelligent, but they are proportionally much rarer than whites of similar intellect. And to say that environment or white racism is the ONLY reason that blacks under perform whites isn't coherent.

And to say that the only reason that people point out differences between the races is that they're evil cross burning nazis is even more retarded.

>Notice how they're quick to point out how blacks have lower IQ but will always make some excuse when you point out that Asians and Jews have higher IQs than whites?
Asians and Jews are more successful than whites for a reason. And who are 'they'? The /pol/ boogieman? The general consensus on /pol/ (if there is such a thing), is that asians are as smart, or smarter, than whites. /pol/ hates the jews for tons of reasons, but not because they have low IQ.

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