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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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>> No.23144510 [View]
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>haskell is the reason it takes so long for anything to be done in cardano
>DRAG AND DROP fuck-up-proof finance smart contracts are too hard because muh haskell

>> No.22347051 [View]
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>> No.21597236 [View]
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>> No.20559493 [View]
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the shilling was strong with this coin back in 2017 anon, but I fudded the fuck out of this to try to save you. How could you ignore the SJW San Francisco faggotry that the whole platform was based on.
>air-drop after air-drop to african villages
that should have been enough to avoid - full stop
>centralized as fuck
>incompetent leadership
witness the coin burn that just burned the market cap and gained nothing for the platform. they are truly out of ideas and are grasping in the dark
>but muh San Francisco tech community
yes, a bunch of faggots and communists from san francisco.

>> No.20347851 [View]
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no dumbfuck, it is NOT sharding
>partition the ledger into different shards
>shards are operated by different subsets of the global nodes
>each transation only has to go to one of the shards and be handled there
>storage & throughput have some slightly better properties because now a transation only lives in one part of the ledger
>latency gets worse, as shards have to add some additional steps to coordinate with each other
>you only get moderate improvement because you still need to implement against worst-case guarantees, although you can divide tasks among different subsets of nodes

layer 2 solutions (offchain protocols)
>separate protocol on top of the base protocol
>group of participants (stake pool operators) agrees to extract a substate of the blockchain ledger, and take it off chain, and now run a mini-ledger of this substate among themselves - independently of the blockchain
>at some point, if at least one party wants to terminate operations on the mini-ledger, the state that the mini-ledger is in is then moved back to the blockchain ledger, and re-integrated into the general ledger
>the most general term for this is multi party state channels
>retain safety (any cheating in mini-ledger will have no bad effects)
>liveness (only need to guarantee that all transactions are processsed in the mini-ledger if there is no cheating)
>latency is low because you don't have to communicate in a full-fledged consensus protocol, but consensys is very easy to achieve
>throughput is high because what happens in the mini-ledger stays in the min-ledger
>storage requirement is low because if you do it right you may delete the whole transaction history before you re-integrate it into the ledger

a suite of protocols for different multi-party state channels

>> No.20127081 [View]
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>I have no retort so I'll just label everything I can't retort as (((buzzwords)))

>> No.19706091 [View]
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citation needed. nope, he never was leaving and has stated this publicly. after the scope of the contract is done IOHK will apply for funding to further develop cardano through the built in governance CIP system.

>> No.19704815 [View]
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just download this software package to get your free stuff

>> No.17796754 [View]
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TA is on the same level as astrology. basically, it's astrology for 21st century market traders. something "usefull" to keep your narrow mind in cope in front of the unpredictable, uncontrollable reality. there are so many "patterns" and "predicting signs" that no matter which situation occurs, one can always pick out the fitting pattern/sign and "be right". you literally have to be a brainlet to base your trade decisions on TA.

you better look at the world politically and economically to determine where things MIGHT go.

>> No.17754494 [View]
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>imagine waiting 2 years of your costly life and then not selling at ATH and getting crushed in one to the point u started

>> No.17729336 [View]
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>> No.17455925 [View]
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>> No.16407110 [View]
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>no one plans to
citation needed faggot
>everything will be on ETH until the end of time, nothing will change that, that is impossible
the absolute state of ETH COPE is hilarious actually. you reddit faggots have a narrative that must play out exactly as you wish or your worldview shatters and dreams of reaching the old ATH evaporate completely. you faggots are fucked. the day of the rope approaches

>> No.16397985 [View]
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i bought the $3,000 bottom anon. went all in

>> No.16393508 [View]
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>thinks NOT KNOWING that they need to account for overflow and therefore not accounting for overflow is... human error

>> No.16137810 [View]
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things are developing quite nicely anon. are you upset because a complex system wasn't completed in 2018/2019? no, you're scared it will disrupt your other shitcoin moonbags. when rope anon?

>> No.16013911 [View]
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>Is this a reddit board now?
how stupid are you anon?

>> No.15910014 [View]
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>> No.15789441 [View]
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>2.0 and everything meaningful is about to come out.

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