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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.55622241 [View]
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>woke up at 6:30 am today
>browsed internet on phone, went back to sleep
>woke up at 8:55 am
>turned on work laptop
>sat in a few pointless meetings
>had a long lunch break
>had my last meeting of Friday
>job has descended in to such pointlessness
>planning to play vidya for the last few hours of this work week

Yesterday after work I lied in bed while tired as hell and slept for an hour and woke up still tired. I then drove to a supermarket I seldom go to, bought a shit load of junk food, and binged at home while browsing the internet. I realised I was bored of watching Succession. I applied for 7 jobs at around midnight.

I was so close to buying junk food during my lunch break today but managed to resist.

I've decided I need to have a deload week for my gym weight lifts and maybe a routine reset.

I had this weird dream during my second sleep that was a mixture of the usual nostalgic "back to school" one, but mixed up with weird stuff.

I'm going to have to tell my manager at work, who works in a different team, that my job has become pointless. I looked at the advert I originally applied to months ago and, morally, they have defrauded me. But I'm still worried they'll say the problem is with me.

>> No.55574143 [View]
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>woke up at 8:55 am after almost 8 hours of sleep
>turned on work laptop
>Monday is a deluge of status update meetings
>will do small amount of work towards end of work day

On Friday I ate junk food after work and felt fat and watched tennis. On Saturday I went for a 2 hour walk in the sun that retraced a walk I had the previous week and which felt kino and nostalgic; Saturday's walk didn't fully disappoint. I then read, went to the gym, walked more, then had a large fast food binge at night.

On Sunday I went for a short walk, ate lots of sugary junk while watching tennis, drank coffee in the car, then went to the gym for a tired workout.

This will be a low pressure work week but I'm nervous about some personal life issues that could be bad to someone I know.

I'm trying to figure out how to fully enjoy my free time in the evenings.

>> No.55521191 [View]
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>woke up at 8:45 am after good night's sleep
>turn on work laptop at 9 am
>sit in multiple status update meetings
>have so many meetings today
>so bored

I went for a long walk in the sun yesterday, followed by drinking coffee in the car, then doing cardio in the gym, then cooking and eating steak at around 11 pm.

My job is so boring. I'm a paper pusher without much paper to push.

My experience of work became a bit worse today because I work with these horrendously incompetent rotting boomers that couldn't properly organise anything if their lives depended on it. I'm trying to stay cool and uncaring like tuxedo Pepe.

>> No.55514703 [View]
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>binged on junk food on Sunday evening
>slept at 2 am and woke up at 8 am
>tried to sleep more before getting up at 9 am for work
>had 3 shits by 10.30
>sat in many status meetings on Monday morning
>had two meetings in early afternoon that I thought would be really important; when I got them last week; considered working on Friday evening or weekend for an hour or two in advance but was too lazy
>had the meetings
>the guy who organised them just half assedly ran the first half hour and nothing was done
>second meeting involved me talking but still barely mattered
>pressure went to zero; day felt relaxed and deflated
>did close to no work during final 3 hours of day
>next two days filled with so many meetings, so won't be able to do a lot of work
>hot and sunny day
>plan to go for a walk, then drink coffee in car, then do cardio in gym

Just when I thought there might be the slightest pressure in my job, it all amounted to nothing.

>> No.55479250 [View]
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Hello wagies, current wagie here. I was entrusted to grow a passing relatives brokerage account. My relative has had me assist them the past few years managing their account and trades which has allowed me to be his sole beneficiary and survivorship now that he has passed. My relative has asked me to grow the account for the bloodline and gift any profits or portions of the account at my discretion. I only plan to grow the money for the next few decades before giving anything to family, maybe profit sharing, in hopes it becomes worth something one day to pass on to my kids or blood relatives. The amount is substantial to me, but I have no debts and no issues with my current income. I've made a few thousands on stocks of my own the last few years but am no expert. I am thinking of selling any stocks that are currently not providing dividends, reinvest them into dividen providing options and let them sit and be reinvested. The overall account is down 6-7%, 6k-7k in stocks that have tanked. Overall the account has 94k. So, This is another "what would you do with 100k" threads. Boomer dividend memes etc. Last year the account made 3.3k off dividends, projected to be 4.3k this year. I'm hoping to push this closer to 10k a year after some years of shifting. SBR stock current has my interest with monthly dividend but they appear to be losing overall stock value. If anyone is interested I can answer questions regarding the investments or if you have recommendation's on dividend stocks /biz/?

>> No.55466167 [View]
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>woke up at 8.30 am after sleeping early
>feels weird not being tired
>start work at 9 am
>sit in a few pointless meetings
>have lunch
>had all of today's meetings and feel relaxed enough to have a 30 minute break
>currently drinking coffee and shit posting

The people I work with are more checked out than I am.

This is the worst organised workplace I've ever been in. It's kind of insane how few people there in my team who do the actual work compared to people like me.

I have laughed out loud multiple times today at the idea of being paid to be doing whatever it is I'm doing.

>> No.55050596 [View]
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>woke up at 8:55 am
>started work
>mostly did nothing except sat in a few pointless meetings
>had lunch early
>sat in another meeting
>have so little to do
>plan to go walking after work to enjoy the weather

My weekend peaked on Friday evening when it was really sunny and I went for a walk while the weekend was still ahead of me. Saturday and Sunday were kind of wasted.

I have so many people on my team, it's hard to find work. And now the chickens are coming home to roost in terms of how the team structured their work and its impact on our project's final output. They moved almost everything useful out of scope.

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