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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.58689841 [View]
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schizo shit, more recently the AI projects and pairing with Google Labs https://x.com/OasisLabs/status/1796220980328903129

the way Oasis gets companies/corps into blockchain technology as an American company is bullish enough. Connections like this as a U.S L1 project are what's going to attract investors and bigger clients

>> No.58571299 [View]
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because they're trans

ROSE has unironically been one of the most obvious bizcoins to play

>> No.58553277 [View]
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You were genuinely retarded to watch the pump to 20cents a few months ago, and then to only sell at 8 cents because of general altcoin market FUD.

It went to 20 cents of nothing but fumes, now ROSE has an actual product it's unironically over for bearfags.

>binance has been gambling on ROSE for years and hasn't sold any, holds 20% of the total supply
>grayscale accumulated $200m of ROSE since last August pic related
>American company is obviously going to get American connections as more and more companies get in to crypto
this is EXACTLY what ROSE sets out to do. Working blockchain solutions for companies. if you thought it was a random shitcoin that got to 2b marketcap from nothing but being an alternative to ETH you were always retarded and ngmi.

>> No.58550275 [View]
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been telling biz all year that the partnerships this company makes as a unique American SFO based crypto company puts it in the prime position for contracts like this.

just a reminder that
>ROSE had no product and was 2-3b marketcap in 2021

>> No.58540152 [View]
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ROSE is unironically one of the best investments shilled in this board (which isn't saying a lot because 99% are genuine rugpulls and memecoins like >>58537856 )

If you know you know, but basically: follow grayscale and blackrock. That's all you need to do.

Oasis is an American L1 and will naturally get connections through that alone. It's obvious to everyone that the big announcements are coming this year regarding that. All the news is always saved for a bull season.

This says it, plenty of people are waiting for the flip and are holding on. Also, ROSE has an 80% long term holder ratio. Try find another crypto asset that has 80 fucking percent of the circulating supply in cold store/longterm storage.

>> No.58530768 [View]
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I bought ETH, ROSE and LTC lmao.

ROSE is the riskiest asset I bought but I managed to buy in at 0.035 so I'm still comfy right now. Have it staked up.

>> No.58528287 [View]
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>cryptocurrency companies
Is there any other crypto company that makes their own L1 other than ROSE/Oasis?

I've thought the "American" angle to ROSE was the most bullish reason for a while.

>> No.58514047 [View]
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jump in altcoin ROSE, you know why faggot. All year last year ROSE would pump a few days after ETH.

>> No.58464122 [View]
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The cycle always goes this way, dumps to a very uncomfortable level and then starts pumping again.

I knew ROSE would pump because I've actually used the network and how efficient it is is incredibly undervalued.

But also the fact it's an American L1 with L2/L3 solutions means it was bound to get corporate business for companies interested in blockchains. This has been Oasis goal for the last year at least, they're trying to sell their product to corporations instead of retail investors.

No point shilling to /biz/, these niggers unironically think Chainlink has a better usecase than Oasis just because someone made a cool infograph

>> No.58450005 [View]
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They're always the exact same comments too, none of them hold any weight.

>oldfags actually bought ROSE at 20% max supply and are surprised it dropped value
>linkcels angry at every other altcoin stealing their threads
that's basically it. ignore biz, follow smartmoney.

>> No.58445652 [View]
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You don't need anons to tell you about the ETF speculation.

You can read the filing



Basically, provided ROSE remains about $250m we'll be included.

Regardless it will be included in PRVY because Grayscale has clearly accumulated around $150m of the supply over the past year.

It's also a company on U.S soil in silicon valley and has all the hallmarks of the next XRP of 2018. Ignore /biz/, it's all LINKcels. Follow smart money. Binance and Grayscale have gigabags in cold storage at this point and are accumulating every dip. Why? You'll see.

>> No.58435203 [View]
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this has gotta be the bottom because even I feel a desperate need to swap for ETH. Every time that happens it pumps.

It's not even a meme at this point, EVERY SINGLE TIME ETH pumps ROSE pumps like 2 or 3 days later. That's what happened for the entirety of 2023. Still an undervalued L1 at 600m market cap. I have no issue continuing to hold through the bull so long as it doesn't go below 250m.

One shred of PR will bounce this coin. Binance shilling their giga-bags and Grayscale Privacy ETF (Ticker PRVY) is atleast bullish for this season.

>> No.58379841 [View]
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This is desperately needed.

If it isn't going to change ROSE, they need to change the company name to Rose Network or something.

I'mf ucking sick of having to explain it's Oasis Network, so where the fuck does "ROSE" come from? This is why we can't get out of the 12 figures hell and can't break a billion cap.

>> No.58270937 [View]
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Nah, I bought it at 6 cents and it was around there for ages. That was only 6 months ago

It's at 12 cents now after a nuclear dump so it was a pretty easy 3x.

Like, I get your point completely it has underperformed imo. But it has been far from the worst performer in the entire market this cycle, unless you consider all cycles, which is retarded because ROSE had like 10% circulating supply when it was at its ATH so it is objectively incomparable.

Illuminex was never shilled as the reason behind the pump, pic related was. Never really saw anything about illuminex.

>> No.58218593 [View]
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Institutional backing in that binance has one of the biggest early investments.

Grayscale accumulating something like $120m worth of the asset in the past year in anticipation of the "privacy cryptocurrency ETF" that they filed. Note that it is only under compliant privacy coins, and ROSE is one of the few US regulatory complaint.

Also made in USA, on silcon valley with a ton of aforementioned institutional backing and investing that so far hasn't really delivered and is only just beginning. That was basically why I picked it for a 20%ish of my portfolio bag. Worth the risk given all.

>> No.57882712 [View]
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One good example being that there used to be a ROSE general and then all of a sudden one day a few months ago jannies decided it was advertising

ROSE remains one of the easiest millionaire moonshots imo if you atleast have a somewhat decent bag. $1 bare minimum

>> No.57424312 [View]
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this is sapphires launch you nigger

i follow smart money, simple as

>> No.57411109 [View]
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lads it's the perfect storm of market events this year, I am not selling my bags at 10 cents just so Grayscale can buy them


>> No.57374601 [View]
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>ROSE at 600m marketcap ahead of February Illuminex launch
realistically based on the amount of bags Binance and Grayscale have, this is bullish

>> No.57292385 [DELETED]  [View]
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kind of a big deal as a worlds first

>opt in complete privacy
>KYCless, accountless
>dex runs on the L1 and allows full cross chain swapping
>800m market cap
Easiest %return of the year? not even LINK has managed to actually link yet and /biz/ has slept on ROSE's illuminex.

>> No.57287792 [View]
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that private dex that enables crosschain swaps KYCless is launching tomorrow and /biz/ hasn't seemed to understand how big of a deal that is

>> No.57276831 [View]
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>buy ROSE yesterday
>it goes up each week for months, still under 1b market cap, solid investment
is this what being a baggie is like? isn't it meant to megapump?

>> No.57274695 [View]
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I've been here a while and 100k was always the sui stack.

I have 170k personally

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