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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.58685717 [View]
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I have a million dollars in liquid assets from which to live in perpetuity. With no mortgage and ACA plan subsidies, that would give me double what I need to live comfortably.

The problem is the mortgage. $177k remains on the balance and I only have $60k of readily available cash to put towards it.

It will take me two years to save up the cash to close out that mortgage and tell my boss to go suffocate on the fattest crustiest chode, and I just can't make it that long.

I am 31 and burning the candle at both ends. My body is falling apart and I will not hold out.

>> No.58641296 [View]
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I own my home. I am a millionaire.
The bedroom is separate from the office.
Both rooms are furnished and clean; floors are clean, mattress sheets are kept clean. No line of empty Steel Reserve cans.

I still end my nights alone and miserable, asleep in my chair in front of the computer screen this way. Does it really matter "how people live"? Is there really any difference between me and that guy?

>> No.55122704 [View]
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>begin to find new and exciting ways to drain your time and energy and obstruct your means of mental recovery
my corporate employer also does this and I am unsure how to cope

>> No.54052785 [View]
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I spend the entirety of my 20's debt free, maxing out my 401k, maxing out my IRA, maxing out my HSA, and piling an extra $20-30k into a brokerage every year.
I lived rent free in my 9'x10' childhood bedroom sleeping on the same twin mattress I had before I went to college. I fucked zero girls and made zero cool friends

I should've just debtmaxxed and bought a bunch of whores and blow

>> No.53568601 [View]
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I'm 30 and have been working a six figure engineering job since 22
I have never worked in the service industry and it sure as shit wont help me now

>> No.53186530 [View]
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$1145 PITI
$200 gas/electric avg.
$25 trash pickup
$18 internet
$15 water
$15 sewage
$6 cellphone
$70 car insurance
$90 gas
$300 groceries

>don't eat out
>don't go out
>pirate everything
>no friends
>no dates

>> No.51545285 [View]
File: 65 KB, 260x249, disheveled-white-collar-worker-guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wen brrrrr

>> No.50553073 [View]
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I make about the same but I am underpaid, bad at my job, and have zero desire to improve

>> No.30270717 [View]
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get real and check the vesting schedule cunt

>> No.29967823 [View]
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still fudding the shit out of FXF
it’s a shitcoin that won’t ever pump
change my mind

>> No.29556189 [View]
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Hope all you faggots who panic sold yestarday FOMOd back in

>> No.19398015 [View]
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>2016: 67k
>2017: 70k
>2018: 73k
>2019: 77k
>2020: 79k

total annual income is ~$20k higher but I'm 27 years old and have zero desire to develop a "career", climb any kind of hierarchy, or generally work hard at all

>> No.19152534 [View]
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I am an engineer
Any job that requires the same amount of "intelligence" that gets better pay, requires much more studying, twice as much schooling, and an entire mortgage worth of more debt
Any job that requires less schooling requires way more body-wrecking physical labor, way worse hours, and generally has way shittier benefits. No one respects you any more because you make $25k more a year than me covered in human feces, Cletus.
but it is true, people generally treat you like shit and by going into engineering school you're basically throwing your social development into the dumpster and lighting it on fire

>> No.19132089 [View]
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>electrical eng
>$80k salary
>too much

>> No.14185057 [View]
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Eventually it really wears on you. Yeah it's dumb to leave immediately if your parents aren't degenerate druggies, and it's great to stay longer and save up/invest, but eventually you can no longer tolerate it.
It starts to feel like you lack all autonomy, have no choice over anything, have no space, no privacy, and are constantly obligated to work around the house doing shit you'd rather not. It really starts to feel like a prison. People absolutely think less of you and when you have to function in a career and social setting that shit will ruin you.
Yeah it was great after college, but now in my mid 20's I feel like my quality of life hasn't improved one iota since childhood even though I worked extremely hard so that it was better, and I feel like if I stay any longer I will have traded in my 20's for a few thousand dollars a year.

>> No.13241358 [View]
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>base salary $77k, 401k matching $10k, espp discount/cap gains $4k, hsa contribution $1k
>total compensation: $92k
>interest on cash position: $1k
>ordinary dividends: $3k
>total income: $96k

I have failed

>> No.13179132 [View]
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im an electrical engineer making 80k
I dont know home much longer I will be able to hold onto my job because I don't enjoy it and I'm not good at it yet at this point the same place has employed me for near half a decade??

>> No.13123173 [View]
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>salary is garbage

>but it's only 15 minutes away
>and has a great weightroom
>and the work is sometimes interesting
>and the dress code is 100% casual
>and the health insurance premiums are $0
>and the 401k matching and ESPP are really good
>and Costco membership is comped


>> No.11943397 [View]
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I'm a 26 year old manchild and I believe that my quality of life will improve if I move out of my parents' house. I have no debt and an established emergency fund. After maxing out my tax advantaged space, espp, and tax I'm left with a monthly income of $2760. I've found an apartment closer to work but I'm afraid it's still not enough. Here's what I have so far:

Rent - $900
Cable and Internet (minimum mandatory) - $50
Electricity - $100? (guess)
Water/Waste/Garbage - $25
Renters' Insurance - $20?
Cell - $8
Car Insurance - $120
Gas - I spend ~$90 now but halving the commute I think it's reasonable to drop this to $60
Groceries and Eating Out (cheap lunch) - $300

This leaves only $1170 for everything else assuming I'm not missing something, but I think that's really misleading. As a result of living with my parents I own next to nothing and would have to start from scratch. That means I have to take that savings and spend it on furnishing the apartment, clothing that fits and isn't hand-me-downs from high school, supplies and incidentals, and appliances.
After that whatever is left over is what I have for any kind of entertainment, hobbies, and at best an annual trip somewhere.
I feel like this leaves absolutely no room for error, and certainly nothing left over for after-tax savings. I'm afraid that by moving out I will be essentially throwing myself into a paycheck to paycheck, terminally wagie existence. Should I at some point need to replace my car for example, or if want a house future (I don't), saving for one will take an order of magnitude longer than it would have.
I also feel like this is too pathetic to post on anything but 4chan. Is this a reasonable budget? Am I being overly conservative? Not conservative enough?
>inb4 roommates, the roommates I have already make food and do the laundry, and are not nearly as annoying as the roastie cunts roommates typical come with

don't post anything about crypto

>> No.11901203 [View]
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Yeah as I was graduating college a kissless virgin I realized that my life is basically unsalvageable in the traditional sense, and followed the same train of logic.

>if you don't want kids, you have no reason to purchase a house or marry
>if you have no reason to marry, you have no reason to date or at least it's very difficult to because the entire point the woman is doing it in the first place is to marry and have kids
>if you have no reason to date, you have no reason to move out of your parents' house
>if you don't have any reason to move out of your parents' house, you don't have any reason to do beyond the bare minimum at your entry/mid level job or chase salaries and promotions
>the pathway to early retirement clears open and suddenly you don't need to work until 70 anymore

>> No.11885559 [View]
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If this is a data mine I don't care anymore

I'm 26 years old with a BSEE working in the field. My income totals about $86,000/year. Since I graduate on a full ride I've been able to accumulate a net worth just shy of $300,000 which consists of stocks, bonds, cash, no crypto at any point ever. I purchased I lightly used car for cash but do not want the trouble of home ownership.

I despise women. I spent an entire adolescence and early adulthood ridiculed by them. I don't like talking to them or being around them. I now realize that I will never marry or have children. There is no shortage of poor, disgusting slampigs that would just love to use me like an ATM.

>> No.11243725 [View]
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I am now 26 years old, white, 6 foot, and 185 lbs. I graduated with a bachelor's in STEM on a full ride to a job with compensation totaling $86,000/year. I max out my 401k, IRA, HSA, and ESPP; then, I dump the remainder into a brokerage account. This has resulted in a liquid net-worth of $300,000. I have never owned any cryptocurrency and will likely never own any.
I live with my parents and have zero desire to move out. My annual expenses, besides one time purchases like a car or computer, come out to $300/month which consists mostly of gas to commute and food. I hold no subscriptions, keep no debt of any kind, hate consumerism, think travel is just a new form of jewelry to wear around, and think owning a house is a stupid pain in the ass.
I despise women. I can no longer tolerate talking to them or being around them. In dating it's obvious that they only ever marked me as betabux from the start. It's unlikely that I will ever marry or have children, which is ideal because I hate children.

>> No.1850031 [View]
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>show up
>do whatever I want
>talk to as few people as possible
>make sure to get lunch where no other employees would be
>fall asleep at desk
>no meetings

>> No.1675239 [View]
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>after insurance, 401k, espp, and federal withholding for the united basketball american and single mother fund, I'm left with $2400/month
>mfw I make $15/hour, the same number that chicken mcniggers want for flipping burgers in addition to the welfare my taxes pay for

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