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>> No.55146749 [View]
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pic related unironically helped me avoid doing dumb shit with credit cards. Got my card when I was 19 so I could order handgun parts (can't buy a handgun from an FFL at 19 but you can sure as shit build one lmao) and the first thing that popped into my head was the episode where Rocko gets a credit card, buys a bunch of shit he can't pay for, and then it all gets repossessed at the end. You better believe I was paying my statements completely at the end of every month.

That being said, I do get where you're coming from OP. College is unironically a scam, and I got a degree in mech engineering from a relatively cheap school (18k/yr tuition, transferred from a community college), I work in my field making okay money, and am rapidly paying off what's left of my student loans on top of a loan for a used car. The reality is that, as much of a scam as college and credit cards are, they're scams that benefit you in the long run provided you make intelligent decisions. What's fucked is that all the benefits you get out of interacting with those scams are essentially subsidized by the financially illiterate retards who think a credit card is free money, or that taking out 220k of debt for an English degree is just what you have to do to become a grownup. What's even more fucked is that this is basically a universal truth of how everything in modern society works: the system feeds a bullshit narrative to a legion of suckers, they get fucked, and a handful of people who figured out what's going on make it ahead in the end.

I'm sorry that you didn't have parents or nickelodeon to teach you financial literacy like I did. Don't blame your parents for not teaching how to not fuck up your life, they would have if they had any idea.

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