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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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Previous threads:
>>23927774 #p23927777

I had to leave and couldnt answer questions. Will stay a bit more until I forget about this thread.

You probably won't be able to avoid it, but dedicating most of your current free time to stacking assets and land + knowledge/skill is the best thing you can do right now
Can't go into details sorry
Get the plebs used to the idea of "cryptocurrency" and have npc's rail about "muh privacy" etc (when it's the opposite)

The feedback has been good, part 2 is probably going to be uploaded this week. Anons contributed a lot of information that will be included in part 3 and onwards. Feel free to contribute too please.

Original thread:

it's all so tiresome

This is part of an old project I had made back in 2014. At the time I guess it made little sense to most, and on top of that it ended up getting me in trouble.
With what has happened in the past 6 years things should be clear now. I've redacted some illustrations, but the audio is original. Those who have eyes to see might get a little head start on what is to come, if they pay attention to what has already passed.

Part 1 of a long series. Will premiere part 2 if interest picks up. It helps if you like sub etc but whatever. Enjoy

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OZHW5BSpjc [Embed]

This documentary is the ultimate financial redpill. If it got me in trouble in 2014, imagine how relevant it must be now

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