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>> No.58697596 [View]
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>wealth the average person in the west has gotten in the past 70 years is an anomaly
No. Technology is always and only a force multiplier, the marketequilibrium price of labor always goes up in-the-limit with increasing technology, the fiat era is the aberration

>> No.58534318 [View]
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Go sell a year of labor today. Go buy and warehouse a billion dollars of labor today. You can't, it's literally impossible to buy or sell more than a day of labor at a time, the best you can do is buy or sell a contract for future labor, a labor future, and even then you're only able to buy a labor future from one individual in the incredibly heterogenous labor market. The monetary impedance of labor is exceptionally high, and this can be measured empirically

>> No.58016565 [View]
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Statist dullard.

>> No.57881487 [View]
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False. Monetary expansion siphons resources to the top, for what is created when new money is created other than a new fraudulent claim on existing resources? The social decline always associated with monetary debasement is caused by the physics of money flow, as monetary expansion results in the ineffective parasitic net transfer of resources from income earners to oligarchs, or more broadly, parasitic resource transfer from high impedance asset holders (labor being exceptionally high impedance) to low impedance asset holders.

This is not bad because it's 'unfair' this is bad because it's INEFFICIENT, Economy is naturally positive sum, but fiat allows the manipulation of Economy to favor zero and even negative sum economic transactions. Blasphemy! Economy will not abide -- "The market ahh finds a way" -- and a way it found.

BTC solves money by being a pure, trustless, stateless, fixed unit of account. BTC will continue to grow organically as it performs this function better than anything else. BTC will swallow the world because by increasing in value the world becomes more efficient.

How? There is no means to guarantee more BTC by merely possessing BTC. That is, the real value of BTC after hyperbitcoinization (price equilibrium) only increases if the world is wealthier (Efficient. Wealth, on a systemic level, is efficiency: more from a given input). BTC therefore flows towards productivity as the only way to acquire more BTC is through positive sum economic transactions, increasing global wealth/efficiency exponentially

Thanks fren. Have way too many rants to post them all tho

>> No.57865515 [View]
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Money literally flows, monetary expansion causes money to flow almost exactly like electricity, with the "monetary impedance" (how easy an asset converts to money) of an asset determining how fully an asset inflates for a given increase in monetary base. The wage/productivity divergence is caused by this phenomenon, as labor is an exceptionally illiquid/high impedance asset. The same pattern is seen in other illiquid assets like housing, notice that high-end housing has seen a SHARPER decline (factored for money stock) than low-end housing, which is to be expected as high-end property is even less liquid than normie SFH. In contrast, low impedance (liquid) assets such as gold or equities move in lockstep with monetary expansion, in effect, monetary expansion is a parasitic transfer of resources from the whole of the economy to low impedance asset holders.

>> No.57864906 [View]
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>muh paper gold
Retard. Median household income in 1970 was 235oz of international market price gold, you don't need to invest in slavemind shiny rock fetishist cope ("paper suppression") to illustrate the destruction of wages from monetary expansion

>> No.53358682 [View]
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>Companies should be rewarded (at the expense of productive economic actors) for giving bad loans
Central banking and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

>> No.52538850 [View]
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>politicians control the world
lol lmao even. The Fed exists so politics can't meddle in big dick system stabilizing oligarchy plays.
>he ACTUALLY shorted this chart

>> No.49373437 [View]
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The Fed's primary purpose is maintaining the Oligarchy's position in society, well paid workers is contra to this goal. Corona was an excuse to provide exit liquidity to the Oligarchs, now they'll crash the markets and buy up the pieces for cents

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