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>> No.59077609 [View]
File: 477 KB, 1045x1858, 4984694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright since nobody else is doing it im going to give you actual financial advice.
Grab all of these, go to solbank, and start staking them and being a liquidity provider. Chances are most of these shitcoins are on sb and if you actually stake there you get to a, benefit on their pumps and b, take more profits than usual. There, that's how you actually make it in this shitty shitty market

>> No.59070132 [View]
File: 477 KB, 1045x1858, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they will have to take my babybonk from my cold dead hands
>i will not go back to the office

>> No.58929963 [View]
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FIRE + Gravity legion/panda roll play on tg is a broken combo to make money during septembear that will get patched so we have to use it before it becomes useless again

>> No.58776727 [View]
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just keep on accumulating anon, keep on doing that, dont lose out hope, dont give up, play some panda roll if you need to get some hope up, also money
but dont give up ja?

>> No.58708047 [View]
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SOL gems? what is this 2022? BTC, BITCOIN, the only way to make it, to really make it like a man would is to hold at least 1 unit of bitcoin, it doesn't matter when you read this

>> No.58040931 [View]
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Okay but where do i find these "OF mommies" you're talking about, this information is incredibly necessary and will dictate my next financial movements

>> No.58005734 [View]
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Nobody mentioned link. Get through your thick skull nobody cares anymore. If you didn't sell at 20 that's on you bro.

>> No.57968683 [View]
File: 477 KB, 1045x1858, 1636399467109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that wont happen, and even still... will mine anything after, be it bitcoins or coal again.

>> No.57664836 [View]
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You're right op, money isnt everything and that's why i mostly invest in the tech and not so much the token. TAU, INJ, ADA, ICP, TON, basically alts that won't just make you money (they will) but also secure that you're investing in the future of humanity. Join their communities, become a part of what they're doing, for real there's more to crypto than just making cash

>> No.57651008 [View]
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i only talk to you guys and beoble users. that's quite literally it. i dont interact with anyone else except very rare family related shit i dont care for.

>> No.56899847 [View]
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IDK about the next big narrative but there's a lot of research on cryptographic generative algorithms (that AI is based on) which have only started coming out these past months. So it's possible that we'll see a big surge of projects on stuff like gaming (like KONDUX) and project writing (AGRS) that will most likely have a big impact as they start releasing their stuff.
If you think gaming is a usecase then there's the whole metaverse thing that will most likely make a lot of people interested. So, take that however you want

>> No.55734451 [View]
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Do that shit on coinbase/binance/kraken/w/hatever other evil DEX you use in secret and call it a day then.

>> No.54647269 [View]
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Im not even part of this board fag, im just here to make people jealous of my good look gambling on Pool Party, if you want to bomb the board im all up for it

>> No.53639949 [View]
File: 477 KB, 1045x1858, 1636399467109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it feel to know that arbitrum is chocked full from mooning projects and the average biztard will never tell you about it?

>> No.53597073 [View]
File: 477 KB, 1045x1858, 1636399467109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, doable actually. Grab the bags you have and buy Hamachi finance (ticker:HAMI), it's been 300% up since it launched a couple of weeks ago, with the current uptrend you'll have your money eom. Worst case scenario you get more rewards and get closer to your goal. It's not that hard and casino is for losers anyway

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