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>> No.58854319 [View]
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I was literally fondling my balls while going through catalog and seeing this post. Working from home is really hard huh (and I really work, I can just touch my balls and fart whenever I want).

>> No.58746519 [View]
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Then get a yearly 4% yield on it.

>> No.58701467 [View]
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500K is retirement money for me.

>> No.58675950 [View]
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Israeli here from the Northern region. Whatever happens, it will be a few months of comfy WFH.

>> No.56779820 [View]
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Honestly it is all the government's fault. In the past, young men could always build a new house (with the permission of some feudal lord who wouldn't mind his serfs having a roof over their head, and start a family to raise more serfs). Now there are so many laws and ordinances that it is practically impossible to build a house in most of the western world. Either provide me with a commie bloc apartment that will have zero crime in and around it, or let me build a house in a plot of land.

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