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>> No.54125429 [View]
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>> No.54048414 [View]
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Use the actual meme!

Who is this beard guy even supposed to be?

>> No.53851530 [View]
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>> No.53686676 [View]
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>Yeah I've noticed too

>> No.53677108 [View]
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I describe myself as single, because fucking zoomies' "ENM" girlfriends and hormonal 19-year-olds who are skeptical of older men who try to immediately coerce them into one-sided """relationships""" don't contradict that. And they will ENSLAVE themselves to your cock as long as you don't try to label it. Being 28 fucking rules.

>> No.53535275 [View]
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I don't get this. Occasionally I deal with stressful situations where individual actors in our processes are making things more complicated than necessary. But for the most part it just kinda breezes by. I've got one coworker who seems to look out for ways to needle me but he's a retard, and everyone else is friendly and cordial at worst, and the people who matter seem to hold me in high esteem.

I used to hang drywall for a living and even that I typically found fun and purposeful. I don't miss the dust, but it paid for a lifestyle I found fulfilling, and working hard felt good.

What's with this ever-present dread? Where does that come from? Is this typical?

>> No.53014444 [View]
File: 132 KB, 1080x823, DE0A020F-EEAE-4CDF-B2BB-A63DBFD3812E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying way too hard to be fit in glowie

>> No.52997218 [View]
File: 132 KB, 1080x823, EF9AB048-A86D-4396-BA30-8EFBF53D892C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he is a flight risk
>still allowed on a plane

>> No.52995193 [DELETED]  [View]
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no its 3 soldiers

Stop noticing things

>> No.52983085 [View]
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>> No.52732881 [View]
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I'm listening. Please elaborate more on this teacher's union situation. Besides that its relationship with school boards is "corrupt". People in my city are generally fed-up with the teacher's union, which is among the more-powerful unions in the area. And the teachers I've known (as peers) are very upset with union leadership. But the teachers when I was in school were very politically-active, in a way I admired. I know my state in particular did them VERY badly for many years so it made sense the way my teachers were engaged when I was in school. But I want to know more about your particular animus towards teachers' unions. I'm very open to understanding, I just need details.

>> No.52413895 [View]
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>> No.52378915 [View]
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Sure is an interesting time for a “hack” to occur.

>> No.51667180 [View]
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>I wish I'd taken it twice

who cares. It's a trap for poor people. A good SAT score just lets you go to a fancy school requiring more student loans and cost of living.

I know one guy who got a perfect score and went to a fancy ivy league school and dropped out after one year with a shit ton of debt. My other friend got a full ride to a state college and had a great time & works in DC now

>> No.51602230 [View]
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I'm starting to suspect that, in a fundamentally Abrahamic world, Jews are sufficiently tied into the "ancient magicks" that operate silently underneath the surface of things, and anti-semitism is in fact a secret pathway to enlightenment for Christian peoples.

I have learned far, far more about judaic thought and practice from rabid antisemites on 4chan than I have from literally any actual real-life jews. You guys are borderline Torah-scholars. And antisemitism is known to be deliberately stoked by jewish world-leaders. I really think I'm on to something.

>> No.51583226 [View]
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There's very limited times in which a person can accept help and guidance. Authority has to be legitimate and authentic, not contrived and externally-enforced. And to learn is to earnestly admit lack, with a sense of humility that doesn't apologize for having potential.

That said, OP is kind of a retard, and "being unable to hold down a job for a year" is NGMI-distillate. 99.9% of people don't "have something better to do". Self-employment is admirable and at a certain point necessary to Make It, but there's as many self-employed losers as there are worthless employees. Except the tempestuous, fickle, retard boss and the shiftless, unreliable, incompetent employee get all wrapped up in one.

Call it "wagie cope" but there's no such thing as a millionaire who hasn't helped some other cocksucker become a billionaire. Simple as.

>> No.51149390 [View]
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>it can be traced back to ICP
Uhm, how? crypto leaks is obvious a ICP shill website, but that doesn't mean they funded it lmao

stop saying ICP, Dfinity is the company. There is essentially no evidence they were involved at all unless I'm missing something.

Also a lot of the "crypto experts" weighing in

one quick search on twitter shows their obvious bias for AVAX so idk what to even believe

>> No.51065557 [View]
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shimitah year ends on the 22nd. Prepare accordingly anons. The shimitah new years was 1 day before the 2008 collapse

>> No.51029383 [View]
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>property prices in my area are nuts
>meanwhile I'm only paying 800/mo in rent
>300 a month in gas
mmmm, a lotta these numbers aren't adding up, anon...

>> No.51004767 [View]
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Honestly I know grown men who don't live in the same house as their wives, and I'm jealous more than anything.

A freestanding man-cave is pretty neat and a bedroom of your own is actually pretty cool, but the OP (of the reddit thread) could have honestly just kept quiet and not embarrassed himself. Instead he told the truth. Well... It's better than lying. But you don't have to answer every question, and sometimes silence is better than the truth. Need To Know Basis, motherfucker.

>> No.50709891 [View]
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If you're so smart, how come you ain't rich?

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