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>> No.11688463 [View]
File: 321 KB, 936x1078, 1538112553741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mercury poisoning is the true cause behind almost every disease—both mental and physiological—that has hallmarked the past century, and it is what is slowly but surely murdering the west
the exposure to EMFs from wi-fi has the proven effect of increasing the release of mercury from dental amalgam fillings (see study below)—which already release mercury directly into your oral cavity. the implications of this are enormous; if mercury in amalgam fillings can be agitated by wi-fi, than so too might mercury that has been absorbed by the body. this would imply that mercury's behavior of travelling between thiol groups, displacing essential metals and destroying enzyme receptors, would be greatly increased with exposure to wi-fi, and possibly other EMFs.
lipid-soluble mercury—such as methyl- and vaporous elemental mercury—can enter cells, and be converted to inorganic mercury. it is inside of cells—in the mitochondria especially—where mercury can do the most damage.

2.4ghz wi-fi exposure, and exposure to other kinds of EMFs used for wireless data transfer which may have an effect on mercury inside of cells, is fairly new to humanity. in the past ~20 years that have coincided with our exposure to 2.4ghz wi-fi, we have seen attention spans plummet, autism and mental illness rates skyrocket, and massive paradigm shifts in the roles of males and females in society (it is worth noting that the presence of testosterone vastly increases the incidence of mercury-induced neuron death; see pic related).
individuals who claim to have sensitivities to EMFs are often brushed off as faking, or imagining their illnesses.

we invest in and investigate the ill effects of new forms of wireless data transfer, such as those on the invisible light spectrum

>> No.11627512 [View]
File: 321 KB, 936x1078, 1538112553741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good god

the west at large needs emeramide
once whites start taking it, they're gonna feel as if they've awakened from a seemingly eternal nightmare in which the entire world went insane, with them leading their own descent

mercury poisoning is the true cause behind every serious chronic illness, both mental and physiological, that has hallmarked the west for the past century

>> No.11544367 [View]
File: 321 KB, 936x1078, medical_veritas_2_537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all money is is a medium for exchanging wealth
work is what produces wealth—whether done by humans, or machines—and enjoyment and appreciation is what determines the value of that wealth
to enjoy and appreciate useful things, one has to be healthy
mercury poisoning is the cause behind almost every serious chronic disease that has hallmarked the past century, and it is what is slowly but surely murdering the west, largely by making males brain damaged and physically impaired from a young age, left with mystery illnesses that nobody knows how to diagnose or treat, much more than it does females
emeramide is the only treatment known for this, and it cures (at doses of >300mg daily for two weeks) a wide variety of diseases that the government-assisted medical cartel the world over insists there is no cure or treatment to
it can be synthesized quite easily if you have standard lab equipment at hand:
you can profit off of this chemical—which is sure to be a medical revolution—by investing in emeramed

>> No.11385124 [View]
File: 321 KB, 936x1078, medical_veritas_2_537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the entire west has been degrading to shit for the past 100 years, mainly because of mercury poisoning—and emeramide is the only known true cure to this problem!

now there's something real on this board, at this moment

>> No.11327992 [View]
File: 321 KB, 936x1078, 1538112553741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one thing i forgot to mention here
and this cannot be understated

mercury is markedly more toxic in the presence of testosterone

if you can't figure out what this means with relation to western society, you're hopeless

i mean, this is it
this is the thing that is killing us
its toxicity is amplified in the presence of other metals, too—especially lead
mercury is our #1 problem, and you have a chance to invest in emeramed and be among the earliest of early investors to a medicine that's gonna change literally everything, one way or the other
this company has the patent; either they're going to make it and sell it to people, or people are just going to synthesize the bloody thing themselves because—a few potential mistakes aside, so i hear—it's so incredibly uncomplicated
synthesis described here:

>> No.11236097 [View]
File: 321 KB, 936x1078, medical_veritas_2_537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

indeed i did
remember the name of that drug

the seething arrogance ignites my exhausted face
what you're mocking is my own discourse regarding the chemical that could save the entire west
the fact about all of this is, some people who come across this information will choose not to pay mind to it, and some will choose to look further into it

did you know that testosterone amplifies the toxic effects of mercury substantially
did you know that the ratio of males to females with autism is 4:1—sometimes 5:1
did you know that girls with autism are often born from mothers who have higher testosterone levels
did you know that seasonal flu vaccines are now recommended for pregnant mothers, and that organic mercury is able to enter an unborn fetus
did you know that mercury vapor from silver dental amalgam fillings can be passed along to an unborn child prenatally in the same manner that thimerosal is
did you know that the body has one system for mercury excretion, and it is easily overwhelmed in almost all individuals

it doesn't read organically because i've been up for ages
i'm not on a payroll, and i'm not here to convince you of anything
it's just something to look back on and remember fondly

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